Nursing 350 Principal of Nursing Research
Responses to the following
1) 3 peer replies
Kiriaki Kotsonas
Week 1 Introductions to Nursing Research
Think of your own clinical practice – how could research or evidence-based practice (EBP) impact your nursing care or the patients you care for? Support your statements with information from the readings and reference.
As a nurse who works within the public school district evidence-based practice (EBP) impacts my care to students. Historically, school nursing was designed as a public health measure, […] address communicable diseases, inadequate nutrition in children, poor hygiene, and other physical ailments that prevented children from attending school (Doi et al., 2018).
During this pandemic, our roles have been focused on COVID-19 exposure, prevention, and implementation of mask-wearing and testing. School nurses are tasked with routinely evaluating students for symptoms or exposures. They also assist administrators and teachers in implementing prevention strategies; contact tracing; maintaining school-based clinics; implementing school-based testing strategies; and supporting students, families, and staff. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, n.d) School Nurse’s practice is based on the best evidence available. This evidence is data obtained from the research. School nurses are encouraged to partner with nurse researchers and nurse leaders to develop EBP that is relevant to their school settings.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (n.d.). Information for school nurses and other healthcare PERSONNEL (HCP) working in schools and child care settings. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Doi, L., Wason, D., Malden, S., & Jepson, R. (2018). Supporting the health and well-being of school-aged children through a school nurse programme: A realist evaluation. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1).
Cj Brown
Evidence Based Practice
Currently I work in a nursing home with residents of all ethnicities and cultures. Many of the residents here suffer from chronic health conditions that can still impact their health negatively if not addressed. Evidence based practice would impact my nursing care positively. By using evidence based research, I would be able to give my clients relevant and accurate information regarding their health and how to manage it. For example, many of my residents have diabetes. Using evidence based research, I could teach them to lower their blood sugars level through daily exercise, avoiding sugary drinks and taking their medications as prescribed (CDC, 2021). As a result of using evidence based research, I believe that the residents will have better management of their long term conditions and be able to live a life filled with dignity. In addition to this, evidence based research is constantly being updated as more and more accurate information becomes available. By using this information, we as nurses would be contemporary in our care and increase patient outcomes.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, April 28). Manage blood sugar.
Polit, D. F. & Beck, C. T. (2022). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising evidence for nursing practice (10th Ed).
Rochellie Rivera
Importance of Nursing Research and EBP
Nursing research is central to the nursing profession and necessary to deliver optimal patient care. According to Polit and Beck, nursing research is a “systematic inquiry designed to develop knowledge about issues of importance to nurses, including nursing practice” (2022, p. 4). Evidence based practiced is then a result of the research inquiry by which the knowledge is integrated to create “guidelines, standards, protocols, or policies to direct nursing interventions and practice” (Perez, 2021).
In the clinical setting that I work in, MICU/SICU, the policy of drawing labs from a central line has recently changed. Traditionally what was in practice was that once a phlebotomist knows a patient has a central line, they would hand the blood slips to the nurse and ask them to draw from the central line. Many of the ICU patients are “hard sticks” because they are edematous. The nurse would then draw from the central line. However, newer research shows that drawing blood from a central line increase occurrences of central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI). This, in turn, increases hospital length of stay, is deemed a hospital acquired infection (HAI) with a 12%-25% mortality rate, and increases costs to hospital (CDC, 2011). Hence, based on research, a new policy was enacted in our hospital. The evidence based practice now is that the phlebotomist must attempt to draw two times peripherally. If the phlebotomist is unsuccessful, the primary nurse will attempt to draw two times peripherally. If the nurse is unsuccessful, the doctor will be made aware and if the doctor would like the nurse to then draw blood from the central line, an order must be placed for the nurse to draw from the central line. The rationale for this is that if the patient develops CLABSI, the nurse is covered with an order. This is also accompanied by meticulous documentation detailing the multiple failed attempt to draw peripherally. This was accompanied by a CLABSI prevention bundle and the nurses were validated. This integration of evidence into practice is believed to improve patient outcomes, the premise of Evidence Based Practice.
Polit, D. F. & Beck, C. T. (2022). Essentials of nursing research: Appraising evidence for nursing practice (10th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Vital signs: Central line-associated blood stream infection.
2) Overview of Research Process Discussion Post
This week we’re going to be discussing the research problem and the research process.
I’d like for you to think of a research problem. It can be from a frustrating experience you have had as a nurse, from a personal/family experience, or something that you’ve identified from the readings, nursing research websites, etc.
Write a PICOT Question to address the problem.
Describe the problem area and how you came to it. Describe why you think this is an important issue. Support your statements by referencing the nursing research website, book, article, etc.