Define and describe what groupthink is, and provide examples of how this may lead to ethical issues for individuals in the workplace.

The exam consists of ten questions. Each question is worth 4 marks each. Students are to attempt each of the 10 questions that are included in this exam paper. Responses are expected to be typed, and included underneath the question being answered. This is an open book exam, meaning that students may consult resources such as the text to assist them. Referencing, while encouraged is not required.1. Two of the best-known approaches to developing normative ethical theories are consequential (teleological) and non-consequential (deontological) approaches.? Outline how each of these approaches views ethics and identify the standards used by each to evaluate right from wrong? Identify 2 similarities between the two ethical approaches (e.g. similar uses or functions, similar benefits, similar aims)? Identify 2 differences between the two ethical approaches2. Shared acceptance and conformity to organizational norms is often seen as necessary to ensure the aims and goals of the business are achieved, however this can lead to ‘groupthink’. Define and describe what groupthink is, and provide examples of how this may lead to ethical issues for individuals in the workplace.3. Morality is concerned with moral standards of behavior while etiquette is concerned with social standards of behavior. Describe how/why an action may be considered proper or correct in terms of social etiquette, but still be viewed as unethical, or immoral.4. Two key features of capitalism identified in Shaw et al (2009) are profit motivation and competition. Outline these two components of capitalism, and discuss how they could be considered as promoting inequality.5. Many would consider alcohol consumption as having an even more harmful social impact than smoking. Aside from the addiction and health problems alcohol consumption can lead to, alcohol is also linked to increased rates of domestic violence and other criminal actions, including drink driving, which is an issue that may result in injury, death, and grief for families and communities alike. However, despite this, alcohol companies are free to promote and sell their products as they wish as long as they do so within the restrictions placed on them by governments and the law. Evaluate this issue using utilitarianism. The stakeholders you need to consider are consumers, the government, alcohol companies, local communities and community health services.6. The issue of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is often a much debated issue in business.? Describe the broad view of CSR, and identify benefits and limitations of this view.? Describe the narrow view of CSR, and identify benefits and limitations of this view.7




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