Policy brief to influence health policy
A policy brief is a concise summary of a particular health issue, with policy options to deal with the issue and recommendations on the best options. The focus is to influence government policymakers that influence health policy. You will need to discuss the health issue with me before moving forward with preparing the brief. The health policy brief should include the following:
1) Title: Draws attention to the issue but is concise and brief
2) Executive summary: two to three sentences summing up the entire brief. Use recognizable buzzwords and emphasize the relevance of the research to policy to draw the policymaker’s attention so he/she will continue to read the brief.
3) Introduction/Summary of the Problem: explain the policy issue and why it is important and needs to be addressed. Best available evidence must be included into the context
4) Methods, Approaches and Results/Body: present the research/project findings in an accessible way for a non-specialist. Explain the methodology used to reach the results, such as a synthesis of existing research/literature or new research data. A policymaker wants to see robust results that are repeatable or corroborated by others
5) Conclusions- reinforce the key message to take away from the policy brief. Remember the executive summary is where typical conclusion content is, do not simply repeat it.
6) Policy Recommendations- try and make only one feasible policy recommendation. If you are making more than one recommendation, differentiate them clearly e.g. in bullet points and keep it to three maximum
7) References and Suggested Sources- use references sparingly and suggest a few additional sources at the end to give either background or more detail to the policy issue
8) Acknowledgements, Author Details and Disclaimers- detail any funding used for the research, note down the author’s current positions and contact details, if the policy brief is being produced by an institution a disclaimer may be needed.
Here are one example of policy brief