Directions: This is a three-part assignment with the intent of having the student review conflict, delegation and creating a healthy workplace. After completing the readings and other scholarly sources, create a presentation with at least ten PowerPoint slides to detail the items below. The assignment calls for a Powerpoint presentation with an embedded video (Using Canvas Studio). If you choose to use another technology, it is important that you upload the presentation in MP4 format. It is the responsibility of the student to understand the technology prior to submission. References need to be on slides where appropriate and go at the bottom of the page.

Part 1: Conflict

Describe a conflict situation from your experience (real or imagined). In the presentation address all of the below items:

Review the steps for conflict management in Chapter 21 of the textbook (table 21.2), describe each







Next, describe the conflict management strategy that was utilized, and whether this worked and resolved the conflict.

Go to table 21.4 in the readings and tell what you should do before, during, and after the negotiation (define each with a reference from the readings).

From the same chapter, list the three destructive techniques for resolving conflicts. Make sure you define each with a reference. Did you use any of these?

Part 2: Delegation

Describe an experience with delegating tasks to others (either licensed or non-licensed personnel- real or imagined).

Go to table 20.1 and discuss the five rights of delegation. List and define each with a reference. Describe how you would or how you used each right to ensure the delegation was appropriate.

Go to table 20.2 and list the strategies for successful delegation. Ensure you provide a reference. Did any of these apply to your scenario? If not, how could you have a better outcome using these strategies?

See page 530-531 in the text and describe each of the three delegation errors. Did any of these apply to your scenario? List these with a reference. Have you experienced these errors and the past? What typically causes each?

Part 3: Creating a Healthy Work Environment

Complete the readings listed in the module and define:

A healthy work environment- provide a definition and reference
The components of a healthy work environment-define with a reference
Define your present work environment, is it a healthy work environment?
If not, what steps would you take according to the research to make it a healthy work environment?
What must an effective leader do to create a healthy work environment?
This presentation has the option to be completed individually or in a group. Prior to the assignment, the instructor must approve the groups. It is the responsibility of the student contact and collaborate with group members and to get to know the technology.

First, create the Powerpoint presentation with references on slides where appropriate. Remember all slides should have key-words that you expand upon during your presentation. If you present individually, use Canvas Studio. If you select a group to present and you use Canvas Studio you must meet face to face to record in Canvas Studio. You have the option to use another program but you are responsible to learn the technology for sharing and presenting.

All presentations require the student to embed a video onto the Powerpoint slides. Each member of the group must present and complete a portion of the assignment. It is your responsibility to learn these technologies prior to recording or the due date. If you use Canvas Studio to present, ensure you submit the presentation in the module. The instructor cannot see your Canvas Studio files unless you submit the presentation in the module, not share it from Canvas Studio. If you present using another methodology (screencastomatic) you must upload it to Youtube and send the link to the instructor in the module. Make sure the link is public access.

Submission: Submit the assignment in the module using the media option or send the link to the Youtube video in comments.

Grading: This assignment is worth 150 points and is graded with the Presentation Rubric. Please use it as a guide toward the successful completion of your presentation.

Presentation Rubric updated 110719
Presentation Rubric updated 110719
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
30 pts
All required elements are fully addressed, easily identified, and integrated at the highest level. Where applicable, outside sources are used in addition to the course text in a highly effective way.
25 pts
All required elements are addressed but not easily identified or not thoroughly covered. Where applicable, outside sources are used appropriately in addition to the course text.
20 pts
Most of required elements are addressed, but some elements were omitted or need further elaboration. Outside sources are used in addition to the textbook, but are ineffective or not appropriate.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
Most of required elements are not addressed. . Outside sources are used in addition to the textbook, but are ineffective or not appropriate.
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Work
30 pts
The quality of work is exceptional with no spelling, grammar, or mechanical errors; the work is very well-organized; the topic has been developed at the highest level.
25 pts
The quality of work is good with minor spelling, grammar, or mechanical errors that do not interfere with comprehension; the work is well-organized; the topic has been developed.
20 pts
The project reflects an acceptable level of work but with multiple minor spelling, grammar, or mechanical errors that partially interfere with comprehension; the work is partially organized; the topic has been adequately explored.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
The project reflects an unacceptable level of work with multiple spelling, grammar, or mechanical errors that may interfere with comprehension; the work is not well-organized; the topic has not been adequately explored.
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Citations & Refernces
30 pts
All resources and graphics included are impeccably cited within the text or presentation and on a Reference page at the end of the project or presentation. There are no errors in formatting.
25 pts
All resources and graphics included are cited within the text or presentation and on a Reference page at the end of the project or presentation. One or two minor errors in formatting exist.
20 pts
Most resources and graphics included are cited within the text or presentation and on a Reference page at the end of the project or presentation. Multiple minor or one or more major errors in formatting may exist.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
None or most of resources and graphics are not cited within the text or presentation and on a Reference List in correct APA format.
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVisual Appeal
30 pts
The project or presentation has visual appeal at the highest level due to excellent use of headings, graphic images and white space (spacing around and between paragraphs). All graphics are used with permission or are copyright-free.
25 pts
The project or presentation is visually appealing due to the use of white space (spacing around and between paragraphs). All graphics are used with permission or are copyright-free.
20 pts
The project or presentation has ordinary visual appeal. Although it is reasonably understandable,it is loosely organized and does not use white space effectively (spacing around and between paragraphs). Most graphics are used with permission or are copyright-free.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
The project or presentation is not visually appealing and not organized
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDelivery
30 pts
The presenter is relaxed, self-confident and professionally-dressed for purpose or audience; builds trust and holds attention by direct eye contact with all parts of audience; uses fluctuation in volume and inflection help to maintain audience interest and emphasize key points; adheres to time limit.
25 pts
The presenter makes a quick recovery from minor mistakes; is professionally-dressed; fairly consistent use of direct eye contact with audience; uses satisfactory variation of volume and inflection; slightly over or under time constraints.
20 pts
The presenter displays some tension or indifference is apparent; dress is inappropriate for purpose or audience; occasional but unsustained eye contact with audience or predominance of reading from notes or slides; uses uneven volume with little or no inflection; little to no adherence to time constraints.
0 pts
Not Acceptable
The presenter displays obvious nervous tension and/or is inappropriately dressed for purpose or audience; there is no effort to make eye contact with audience; read majority of presentation; uses low volume and/or monotonous tone cause audience to disengage; no adherence to time constraints.
30 pts
Total Points: 150

Please add attached information in the presentation.
Use the information the attached document.




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