ntroduction: . Introduce the topic to the reader in 2-3 sentences to grab the reader’s attention. 2. Conclude this paragraph with a clear and concise statement informing the reader of the purpose or primary objective of the paper/discussion.
2. Identify and describe a model or theory that you would like to use to promote health behavior.
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You can select an individual model or theory (chapter 2) to promote healthy behavior or a community model or theory (chapter 3) to promote health. You are welcome to use a model or theory from another source. Describe the model in detail, why you selected the model, and how the model or theory would be beneficial to use to with your identified population.
3. Develop a health promotion-prevention intervention plan related to the population and health entity identified in assignment #1( Childhood Obesity):=
Develop a detailed health promotion-prevention intervention plan related to the population and health entity identified in assignment #1. Chapter 4 and 5 will help you with developing your plan. You are welcome to read any or all of chapters 6-9, which will provide ideas on specific interventions. These chapters will help you with examples and some chapters may be related to your areas of interest. For example: chapter 6 (physical activity and health promotion); chapter 7 (nutrition and health promotion); chapter 8 (stress management and health promotion); chapter 9 (social support and health). Hypothetically plan out a potential health promotion-prevention plan. Describe your proposed project in detail. Search the literature on this topic. For example, if you are interested in exploring the effectiveness of group diabetic education program, review the literature and see the best evidence-based data on this topic (i.e. format and number of classes and overall structure of such a program). Also, how does this compare to individual educational classes (i.e on knowledge, physiological parameters, etc.) You must use evidence based literature to support your ideas.
4. Conclusions: summarize the essential points of paper view longer description:=
The conclusion is a paragraph summarizing the essential points of the paper and does not contain any new information.
APA and Scholarship view longer description :=
the scholarship is evidenced by an organized and logical progression of ideas; effort and attention to detail are evident; communicates effectively all aspects of the discussion. Correct grammar, spelling, and word choice. A liberal number of references (minimum of 10 references). References are current, appropriately paraphrased, and acknowledged. Correct use of APA. The correct title page was used for assignment copy.




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