Review resources within the course for each the following areas:
Health Promotion Model/Theories (Module 1)

Health Literacy (Module 3)

Literacy Quick guide

Health Literacy: Hidden Barriers & Practical Strategies Links to an external site.

Health Screenings (as appropriate for age, history, current status)

American Academy of Pediatrics Bright Futures Bright Futures Guidelines Pocket Guide Links to an external site.

Healthy People 2030 Links to an external site.

American Cancer Society: Colorectal Cancer Screening Guidelines Links to an external site.

The American Cancer Society Guidelines for the Prevention and Early Detection of Cervical Cancer Links to an external site.

American Cancer Society Recommendations for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer Links to an external site.


CDC Immunization Schedules Links to an external site.

Develop a plan to address each of the following areas:
Health Promotion Model/Theories

Health Literacy

Health Screenings (as appropriate for age, history, current status)


Assignment Writing Instructions

Review Grading Rubric for specific criteria
Two (2) page maximum – Times New Roman 12 font
7th Edition APA format including citations and reference page

Grading Rubric

Health Promotion Case Study Assignment
Health Promotion Case Study Assignment
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Identify Health Promotion Model/Theory • Include one key components of the model/theory directly pertaining to the case selected. • Develop a recommended plan to address the component to improve patient outcomes.
1.5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
1.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Identify Health Literacy • Include one health literacy concern directly pertaining to the case selected. • Develop a recommended plan to address the concern to improve patient outcomes.
1.5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
1.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Health Screenings • Include all health screenings (as appropriate for age, history, current status)
2.5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
2.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Immunizations • Include all immunizations (as appropriate for age, history, current status)
2.5 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
2.5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome 7th Edition APA format Includes cover sheet, title & level headings, grammar/spelling, flow/sequencing, and any component included in 7th Edition APA format
2 pts
Full Marks
0 pts
No Marks
2 pts
Total Points: 10




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