Attached are instructions forEvidence based QI and EBQI Project podium .
This is an Evidence based project paper along with a 1 slide , 3 min presentation.
Module 2 Overview
Evidence-Based QI Project Comprehensive Examination Paper.
The purpose of this Evidence-Based QI Examination Paper is to present the execution of your change project using a scholarly written format. A comprehensive project description is an organized explanation of the design and theoretical underpinnings, implementation and evaluation activities, and analysis and discussion of the results of the project. Competency to synthesize and apply knowledge and skills from coursework, practicum and campus-based activities to the formulation of the paper will be evaluated.
Paper contains 6 sections:
1. Introduction
2. Project Background: Description and Organizational Context
3. Theoretical Framework
4. Intervention, Implementation and Evaluation
5. Results, Analysis and Discussion
6. Conclusion

Module 2, Sections 1 & 2
The Introduction, Background, and Organizational Context
Return to the introduction and background sections. Now create a new introduction for this second paper expanding on the specific organizational context in which you conducted your EB QI Project. Introduce your project and describe the background including your problem statement, significance, and context of your work.

Consider the following questions:
1. Was the purpose of the project clearly and succinctly introduced? Was credible evidence provided and cited (here you may be citing the titles of internal documents) to justify the need for this problem to be studied within the selected organization, system, and/or population?
2. Was the project aim provided?
3. Was the organization identified and is the description of the organization concisely presented?
4. Was the specific group or population affected by the EB QI Project identified?
5. Were environment and context descriptions comprehensive and include all relevant information?
6. Was information organized and presented in a concise and clear manner?
7. Were citations used appropriately?

Module 2, Section 3
Section 3: Theoretical Framework
This section provides a discussion of the theory that underpins the background, design and evaluation of your project. Reserve about 2 to 2½ pages for this section.
The purpose of presenting your project’s theoretical framework is to demonstrate that you have a solid understanding of the selected theory, its fit and relevance to your project.
Theoretical frameworks underpin the design and interpretation of a study or evidence-based QI project. Theoretical concepts, along with their definitions, guide investigators throughout a process of inquiry – from design through interpretation and discussion of findings. The selection of a relevant theory for a given investigation depends on its appropriateness, ease of application, and explanatory power. A number of the articles you examined in your literature review likely included relevant theories that you have not previously explored. For example, Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge (SoPK) is especially relevant when thinking about the system forces that impact change. Consider these when selecting your framework.
"A theoretical framework is a frame of reference that is a basis for observations, definitions of concepts, research designs, interpretations, and generalizations, much as the frame that rests on a foundation defines the overall design of a house.”
(LoBiondo-Wood & Haber, 1998, p. 141)
Key elements in presenting your theory
The introductory paragraph should introduce the name of the theory and the author(s) and make an explicit connection between the theoretical framework selected and the problem you are exploring. When the aim of your Evidence-based QI Project and the theoretical framework are aligned, other aspects of the project, such as your choice of intervention or change strategy, analysis and discussion of findings should be apparent to readers. Additional content in this section includes:
• A brief description of the theory, its major tenets /concepts and assumptions.
• An explicit connection of how the theory will support your analysis and discussion of findings.
• A summary of the relevance of the theory to your study.
Pause, Write, and Review Your Work (not for submission):
Theoretical Framework
Review information from content and assignments related to theory. Consider theories found in articles used in your literature review and/or in coursework (e.g.,Deming’s System of Profound Knowledge). Prepare a 2-2½ page draft of this section. Revise. Rest. Revise. Seek feedback. Revise.

Consider the following questions:
1. Did the first paragraph introduce the name of the theory, the theorist(s) who developed the framework, and make an explicit connection between the theory and the evidence-based quality improvement topic and aim?
2. Was the description of the theory and definitions of concepts and assumptions adequate?
3. Did the concluding paragraph summarize relevant points and include the theory’s relevance to the EB QI project?
4. Were citations used appropriately?
Note: In section 5 Results, Analysis and Discussion, you will come back to your theory and apply it in your discussion of your project findings.

Module 2, Section 4
Section 4: Intervention, Implementation and Evaluation
This section covers the action steps of your project. Reserve about 3-3½ pages for this section.
This discussion will demonstrate your ability to effectively describe your evidence-based project along with how it was implemented and evaluated. This description allows readers to make an informed assessment of how your project addressed the identified problem and perhaps replicate it.

The project evaluation process examines the impact and consequences of action(s) taken in order to determine the merit, worth or significance of the work undertaken.

Key elements
• To begin work on this section, review the introductory and background sections you wrote. Add information or expand on descriptions of significant elements of the setting, organizational factors, financial climate, constraints and facilitators, and stakeholders involved as needed.
• Describe your project (include your aim statement),and how you conducted and evaluated it .
• Describe:
• What you planned to accomplish including the project aim, objectives, measures, and timeframe. Organizational factors that facilitated, hindered, or posed barriers to achieving your aim.
• Who was involved in the change process including interprofessional team members (unlike section 2 where you simply noted the members’ roles and titles, in this section you will include here the specific role each played in supporting and/or executing your EB QI Project).
• What constituted improvement outcomes and what key measures/metrics were used. Be specific about the metrics you used to measure progress .
• Describe the steps, processes and strategies used to carry out the project in an organized, easy to follow manner.
• Discuss what was learned in each PDSA cycle.
• Present the evaluation components to determine the merit, worth or significance of the project. This is a focus on the project itself rather than the analysis of data (next section of the paper).
• Examine the cause, impact, and consequences of action(s).
• Identify the changes made,commenting on the outcomes.
• Assess if the project aim, design and metrics were realistic.
• In summarizing this section, describe whether the problem was correctly defined (cause), the design was effective (impact), and the intended outcomes were achievable (consequences).

Intervention, Implementation and Evaluation
Prepare a 3-3 ½ page draft of this section.
Consider the following questions:
1. Were the setting, organizational factors, financial climate, constraints and facilitators, and stakeholders described adequately?
2. Were interprofessional team members and roles in the project, the project aim with the related metrics and timeframe, intervention and change process described in a clear, concise and organized way?
3. Were the steps, processes, and strategies used to design and carry out the project clear, organized, and relevant?
4. Is the description of the process and interventions sufficient for potential replication?
5. Were outcomes and key measures/metrics used for improvement included?
6. What was learned in each PDSA cycle?
7. Did the summary include comments on whether or not the problem was correctly defined? Was the design effective? Were the intended outcomes achieved or not achieved? Were citations used appropriately?

Module 2, Section 5
Section 5: Results, Analysis and Discussion
This section is a guide to creating the results, analysis and discussion of your project. Analysis of results as related to the literature and theoretical framework will be discussed. Reserve about 3-3½ pages for this section.
The purpose here is to demonstrate your ability to present key findings from your analysis of project data, draw conclusions that are systematically supported with empirical and theoretical literature, and discuss findings and implications related to the problem investigated.
Results and Analysis:
• The report of your findings (results) should objectively inform readers, without interpretation.
• Sort carefully through your data to identify key findings.
• Present key finding(s):
• in a sequence that offers evidence related to the project aim/objectives
• in an orderly fashion
• Present information in a succinct and precise format (an informed assessment and not your opinion).
• Use empirical evidence and theoretical concepts to organize and present ideas. Remember to include necessary citations.
• Do not present your interpretation of the data here, this occurs in the upcoming discussion.
• Address unexpected findings and/or negative results. These may shed light on ideas for future study or challenge established processes that did not work in this instance.
• Include unexpected events or issues that affected project outcomes (e.g., change of job or mentor or a new initiative in the organization affected the intervention or timeline, or an unpredicted external event such as we had with the COVID-19 pandemic that shifted organizational priorities).
• Figures, tables, charts are described in the results section and placed in the Appendix. These graphics should be clearly presented, easily understood and supported by the narrative. Be sure to use APA formatting placing the Appendix last after your References

Discussion of the analysis of your project:
• For cohesion, ideas presented in this section should connect with issues raised earlier in the paper.
• Address whether there is agreement between your results and current evidence or if an alternative explanation is in order.
• Use evidence from the literature, knowledge from coursework and theoretical concepts to support your discussion.
• Implications for spread in and/or beyond the organization are addressed, and future study or use of findings are a part of this discussion.
• While valuable lessons were learned from this test of change project, do not overreach in your interpretations or implications for change.

Results, Analysis, and Discussion
Consider the following questions in a 3-3 ½ page draft:
1. Was the analysis based on objective information from the project?
2. Were empirical evidence and theoretical concepts used to organize ideas?
3. Were project results described comprehensively (positive and negative)?
4. Were contextual issues addressed?
5. Was the concept of spread within and/or beyond the organization addressed or use of the findings and future study included?
6. Was the discussion guided by current evidence, reference to concepts from coursework and linked to the theory used?
7. Were lessons learned from the EB QI project clearly presented?
8. Did the summation cover relevant points?
9. Were citations used appropriately?

Module 2, Section 6
Section 6: Conclusion
This section provides a summation of your project. Reserve about ½ page for this section.
The purpose of a conclusion is to demonstrate your ability to summarize key points from your evidence-based project. This summary should make final points about what was learned from your project, its contribution to your organization, usefulness for practice, limitations, and implications for future work. No new evidence, facts, or findings should be present in your conclusion.
Begin your conclusion section with terms such as: ‘in summary’ or ‘in conclusion’ to indicate you are making final statements.
No new information should be included in this conclusion.

Podium Presentation
This three minute podium presentation is an oral report of your evidence-based Quality Improvement Project delivered in a verbally engaging way. It must be academically sound and cover pertinent information. Academic presentations aim to describe the context, background, significance, theory, methods, and results of a work effort.

The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Presentation Design
Developed by The University of Queensland, 3MT® challenges students to deliver a captivating presentation of their work (research or project) in only three minutes. The goal is to inform the audience, using non-technical language, of the core aims, value(s) and significance of the project.
• 3MT® is a structured process that requires presenters to synthesize their experience, analyze project processes and findings, and distill important information into a meaningful, concise and memorable presentation.
• 3MT® – “is not an exercise in trivializing or ‘dumbing-down’ information but forces students to consolidate their ideas and crystallize their findings.”
3MT® presentation rules:
1. Presentations are limited to 3 minutes and delivered by spoken word (e.g. no poems, raps or songs).
2. Presentations must be augmented with 1 PowerPoint slide that may contain text and visuals.
3. The single slide must be used from the start to the finish of the presentation.
• No animations, slide transitions or any type of “movement” can be applied.
• No electronic media (e.g. sound or video files) are permitted.
3. No props (e.g. costumes, instruments, laboratory equipment) are permitted.
4. You may use one 5 x 7 notecard as a prompt if you wish.
Part 3: Presenter-Guided Question & Answer Session

This part of the presentation provides the speaker with an opportunity to connect even more deeply with the audience. Guiding audience participation is a skill that is useful in any leadership situation, but is critical when communicating research/project information or generating active engagement and/or connection to your work.
All students are expected to ask questions and/or comment on multiple presentations in this question and answer segment to demonstrate engagement and support.

Presentation Tips
Begin by creating your story. Questions to consider include:
1. What is the most important message I want to cover?
2. What story might capture the audience’s attention?
3. What slide (picture) will best reflect the meaning of the project?
4. How can I describe the meaning of the project most effectively?
5. How can the information be best organized? How do I want to conclude the presentation?
• Start with a compelling introduction: Capture the audience attention and set the tone for the remainder of the presentation. A powerful introduction is more than simple theatrics. It requires thoughtful consideration.
• Choose your PowerPoint Slide carefully: “A picture is worth 1000 words!” Refine your messages/content from your poster to make this an impactful and illustrative slide.
• Plan your Q & A session: The presenter has the responsibility to control the flow and participation and flow of this session. Remember this interactive period can provide you with additional time to disseminate or expand on ideas not covered in the presentation – but conversely, you want to engage others in meaningful discussion. Prepare 2-3 questions you want the audience to address if the conversation fades. The secret to a robust Q & A interchange is preparation.




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