Choose a traditionally marginalized group that experiences discomfort, oppression, or alienation due to their race, gender, social class, disability status, sexual orientation, or religion. from within your school site or organization and describe ways in which an ethical leader can serve as an advocate for the group.
For the Case Study, the case study is attached as a separate document.

Marginalized Groups

This discussion explores the ethic of critique and the profession. A primary goal of the ethic of critique is to facilitate an increase in educators’ awareness of inequities in society and schools to assist in providing a voice to marginalized groups who are often “voiceless” in discussions about their situation. Part of being a leader means being able to act as an advocate for all groups of stakeholders regardless of the influence they hold within the institution. To prepare for this discussion, read pages 13-15 of Poliner Shapiro and Stefkovich (2011) and take note of the major tenets of the ethic of critique.

Initial Post:

Choose a traditionally marginalized group that experiences discomfort, oppression, or alienation due to their race, gender, social class, disability status, sexual orientation, or religion. from within your school site or organization and describe ways in which an ethical leader can serve as an advocate for the group.
Next, construct your initial post discussing the strategies you, as an educational leader, can apply to ensure opportunities for a member of this selected group to grow, learn, and achieve.

Additionally, provide suggestions for ways in which, as a leader, you can be an advocate for this group and work to alleviate unethical treatment that this group faces along with an examination of legal implications and personal feelings/prejudices that may affect your leadership effectiveness.
Case Study 4.3

In this discussion, you again have the opportunity to debate a case study from stakeholder perspectives. As with the similar Week One discussion, you assume the role of your assigned stakeholder within the case and write your initial response and those to your peers from the perspective of that stakeholder. To prepare for this discussion, read the Case Study 4.3: Culturally Responsive Curriculum or an Ethical Dilemma (Poliner Shapiro & Stefkovich, 2011, p. 53-56). Next, review the initial post and guided response instructions making sure you respond from your assigned stakeholder’s perspective. One approach to this discussion is to create your viewpoint with consideration of the Questions for Discussion presented in the text following the case study.




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