Define Diabetes type 1 condition as a long term (LTC), and explain the medication recommended by NICE guidelines (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) for adults only.
The aim of this assignment is to critically analyses the role of the nurse in managing patients in the community settings that suffer from Diabetes type 1 and discuss different types of leadership in district nursing which improve clients outcomes .
2000 words maximum, Harvard style reference only NOT ALLOWED TO USE QUOTE//QUOTATION
3rd person
Essay title:
The aim of this assignment is to critically analyses the role of the nurse in managing patients in the community settings that suffer from Diabetes type 1 and discuss different types of leadership in district nursing which are used to improve the outcomes for patients .
This is district nurse management essay in community setting and you have to talk about a group of patients with a disease : Diabetes type 1 only .Explain the medication recommended by NICE guidelines (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence)
Start by defining the disease, how it affects the NHS, and then you talk about how to manage it in the community area . Including management skills or leadership skills, interprofessional n multidisciplinary team, how it affects the family, social life and psychological issues too. Please answer all the question given below :
The chosen topic should clearly address in this essay:
1. Define Diabetes type 1 condition as a long term (LTC), and explain the medication recommended by NICE guidelines (National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) for adults only.
2. Band 5 job descriptors and NMC Standards for Pre-reg Nursing Education
3. Demonstrate a professional and responsible manner, in line with the NMC Code of Professional Conduct, in the management of care.
4. Discuss the National standards for focus condition and the care of adults
5. Demonstrate understanding of management styles and insight into the role of the newly qualified adult nurse in improving patient outcomes.
6. How the nurse can establish and maintain collaborative working relationships with the interprofessional team to promote the long term health and well being of clients in community with long term chronic health needs.
7. Why nurses needs to have outstanding skills including management skills to deal with the challenges that face the future of the NHS.
8. Cite and critique at least 01 Relevant clinical research about this condition
9. Explain Management and Leadership theories
10. Demonstrate effective health informative skills to plan, implement and evaluate healthcare.
11. Assist in the delegation, supervision and monitoring of duties of others, in optimising the management of care and to ensure maintenance of a safe environment.
12. Demonstrate accurate documentation of the patient/client’s care plan that has been formulated in partnership with the patient/client in collaboration with the multi-disciplinary team.
13. Clearly identified and explained issues from clinical practice e.g. safeguard confidentiality are maintained.
14. The impact of management on the organisation of care
15. What is interprofessional working and how does it impact on care delivery and patient outcomes?
16. The importance of interprofessional working within the context of long term care.
17. Analysis: Understanding of theory, principles and research evidence is used very effectively to analyse issues and problems, demonstrates a sustained analytical approach.
18. Provide evidence that they have considered their own management style in depth.
19. Critically analyze your conclusion