Describe the Features of Family Assessment and Explain why it is Important to undertake a Family Assessment.
Describe the features of family assessment and explain why it is important to undertake a family assessment. The aim of this assignment is to apply evidence based nursing care to the assessment of a family. When an infant, young child or adolescent experiences a health or social issue, the issue can impact upon all family members. Nurses working in acute care and community settings need to understand the functioning of the family unit so they can care for and assist the whole family. There are several family assessment tools that may be used by nurses to perform a family assessment and it is important to understand the strengths and the limitations of any family assessment tool you use in clinical practice.
Consider the two case studies following, and select one:
1) Describe the features of family assessment and explain why it is important to undertake a family assessment.
2) Select one of the family assessment tools we have explored, and identify the strengths and limitations of the chosen tool. Use this tool to assess the family you have selected. If your chosen family assessment tool includes a diagram to illustrate the family, you may include this as an Appendix.
3) Identify two issues for the family in the case study you have selected. Using appropriate research, discuss what is known about each of these issues and provide a nursing goal to address each issue.
Other elements:
? Use APA 6th edition for in-text referencing, and the reference list;
? Ensure that you use scholarly literature (digitised readings, research articles and text books) that has been published within the last 10 years;
? Provide a clear introduction and conclusion to your paper;
? You may use headings to organise your work if you wish;
Address the following three tasks:
? Avoid writing in the first person;
? Use academic language throughout;
? Refer to the marking criteria when writing your assignment. This will assist you in calculating the weightings of the sections for this assignment.
Suggested presentation and use of word-count:
? Brief introduction: 100 words;
? Each of the three sections
o Task 1: 300 words; o Task 2: 700 words; o Task 3: 800 words;
? Brief conclusion: 100 words. Please:
? State your word count (excluding your reference list) on the Title page.
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Case study 1: The Hawke Family
? Ruth Hawke, 26, operates a successful Florist business.
? John Hawke, 29, mechanic for a V8 racing team and, up until this pregnancy, travelled
away a lot with the team. About eight months ago John negotiated to work locally, travelling away only once each year to support the team at Bathurst.
? Married five years, difficulty conceiving due to Ruth’s pelvic inflammatory disease. Received treatment and couple were on a fertility program for two years prior to conceiving.
? Two confirmed pregnancies, spontaneously aborted before 12 weeks, so undertook genetic testing when became pregnant a third time.
? Results negative, fraternal twins confirmed.
? Uneventful pregnancy; Ruth continued to work full-time until 36 weeks gestation.
? Couple relocated to a larger three bedroom home in a coastal suburb on the southern
Gold Coast at three months gestation, increasing their mortgage to do so.
? Ruth planned to return to work five months following the birth and her sister Sarah,
24, agreed to care for the twins at her home until they turn 12 months old. After this, the twins will attend a local child care centre.
Extended family:
? Sarah and partner Cameron, 27, live in Logan and have two children of her own; Sam, 1 and Daniel, 3.
? Ruth’s mother, Marion, 52, had postnatal depression (PND) after the birth of Sarah. This remained undiagnosed and untreated until Sarah went to school.
? Marion’s neighbour at the time, a registered nurse, recognised her depression and encouraged her to visit her local doctor and attend a PND support group in the local area.
? Marion gradually gained confidence and entered part time work in retail. She and her husband divorced when Ruth was 14.
? Two years ago Marion retired to the northern Gold Coast. She is very supportive of Ruth and is looking forward to helping with more grandchildren.
? Ruth’s father, Henry, who is 58 years old, lives and works in Indonesia. He has a new Indonesian wife, Ade, 39, and they visit Australia twice a year.
? John’s parents, Henry (64) and Marcia (59) are also divorced. Both live in Perth and both have remarried in the last five years.
? John’s older brother Max, who is two years older than John, has remained single and works as an engineer in India.
? Henry was a harsh disciplinarian to his sons who showed little warmth and travelled away a lot with work. Up until John turned 12, when Henry returned from his work trips, John’s mother would report on the behaviour of both boys. Sometimes, he would give the boys a ‘good walloping to teach them how to behave’. Max would try and protect John from his father’s punishments. When they became teenagers Henry would take the boys to the beach to surf.
? John has not seen his parents or brother for over a year but has told them about the twins. His parents seemed pleased to hear of the impending birth and suggested that John and Ruth plan a holiday in Perth when the twins are about three months old.
Current situation:
? Ruth gave birth to the twins a week ago and will be discharged from hospital tomorrow. She started breastfeeding in hospital and is planning to breastfeed the twins for the first six months before she returns to work. She also plans to paint and make new curtains for their bedroom, the lounge and dining areas to save some money. She likes to keep fit and hopes to join a new parents walking group to meet other new mums.
? Due to work commitments over recent years and with the new move, Ruth and John have not met many people on the Gold Coast. Since moving to the Gold Coast John has taken up surfing again in his spare time. He greets other surfers on his early morning excursions but he does not socialise with any of them. He has joined the local Surf Club and plans to take the family there for lunch soon, declaring that this might be a good place to meet some ‘likeminded people’.
? Due to her sore back and legs and her size before the birth, Ruth has declined to resume a sexual relationship with John, which he says he understands. He is anticipating that they will be able to resume sex within a week or so, stating that ‘things will be back to normal again soon’. He adds that because Ruth is taking time off work he thinks she will be rested, more relaxed and willing to resume their sexual relationship.
? John is a little concerned about how they will manage financially during the first few months, so is keen for Ruth to return to work full time. When asked about how he will manage being woken up by the twins early in the mornings he says that, ‘Ruth can sort that as I will go for surf before catching the train up to work’. He adds that he still plans to help with the cooking in the evenings. In the weekends he is looking forward to family time as long as the twins ‘don’t cry too much’.
As the Child and Family Health nurse, the Midwife has notified you about Ruth and the twins impending discharge. You will meet the family at the home visit when they are discharged from hospital.