Describe in the body of the paper the following. ? What concepts have been studied? ? What methods have been used? ? Who are the participants or members of the samples? ? What instruments have been used? Did the authors describe the reliability and validity?

Order Description
The paper will include the following.
1. Clinical question
a. Description of problem
b. Significance of problem
c. Purpose of paper
2. Description of findings
a. Summarize basics in the Matrix Table as found in Assignment Documents in
b. Describe
i. Concepts
ii. Methods used
iii. Participants
iv. Instruments including reliability and
v. Answer to “Purpose” question
vi. Identify next step for group
3. Conclusion of paper
4. Format
a. Correct grammar and spelling
b. Use of headings for each section
c. Use of APA format (sixth edition) d. Page length: three pages

Reference Purpose
Study Question Variables
Dependent(D) Study Design Sample
Size and Selection Data Collection
Major Findings
(sample not a real article) Smith, Lewis (2013),
What should I eat? A focus for those living with diabetes. Journal of Nursing Education, 1 (4) 111-112. How do educational support groups effect dietary modifications in patients with diabetes? D-Dietary modifications
I-Education Qualitative N- 18
Convenience sample-selected from local support group in Pittsburgh, PA Focus Groups Support and education improved compliance with dietary modifications.
NR449 Evidence Based Practice

Required Uniform Assignment: Appraising the Evidence PURPOSE The purpose of this paper is to interpret the two articles identified as most important to the group topic. COURSE OUTCOMES This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: CO 2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies. (POs #4 and #8) CO 4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and clinical significance related to evidence- based practice. (POs #4 and #8) DUE DATE Refer to the course calendar for due date information. The college’s Late Assignment policy applies to this activity. TOTAL POINTS POSSIBLE: 150 POINTS REQUIREMENTS The paper will include the following. 1. Clinical question a. Description of problem b. Significance of problem c. Purpose of paper 2. Description of findings a. Summarize basics in the Matrix Table as found in Assignment Documents in e-College. b. Describe i. Concepts ii. Methods used iii. Participants iv. Instruments including reliability and validity v. Answer to “Purpose” question vi. Identify next step for group 3. Conclusion of paper 4. Format a. Correct grammar and spelling b. Use of headings for each section

NR449 Evidence Based Practice
NR449 RUA Appraising the Evidence for JUL16.docx Revised 06/2016 2

c. Use of APA format (sixth edition) d. Page length: three pages PREPARING THE PAPER 1. Please make sure you do not duplicate articles within your group. 2. Paper should include a title page and a reference page.
DIRECTIONS AND ASSIGNMENT CRITERIA Assignment Criteria Points % Description
Problem 20
1. Problem is described: What is the focus of your group’s work? 2. Significance of the problem is described: What health outcomes result from your problem? Or what statistics document this is a problem? You may find support on websites for government or professional organizations. 3. Purpose of your paper: What will your paper do or describe? “The purpose of this paper is to . . .”

**Please note that although most of these questions are the same as you addressed in paper 1, the purpose of this paper is different. You can use your work from paper 1 for items 1 and 2 above, including any suggestions for improvement provided as feedback. Item 3 above should be specific to this paper.
Description of Findings: Summary
Summarize the basics of each article in a matrix table that appears in the appendix.
Description of Findings: Description
60 41%
Describe in the body of the paper the following. ? What concepts have been studied? ? What methods have been used? ? Who are the participants or members of the samples? ? What instruments have been used? Did the authors describe the reliability and validity? ? How do you answer your original “purpose of this paper” question? Do the findings of the articles provide evidence for your answers? If so, how? If not, what is still needed to be able to answer your question? ? What is needed for the next step? Identify two questions that can helpguidethegroup’swork.
Description of Findings: Conclusion
20 13%
Conclusion: Review major findings in your paper in a summary paragraph.
Format 30
1. Correct grammar and spelling 2. Use headings for each section: Problem, Synthesis of the Literature (Concepts, Methods, Participants, Instruments, Implications for Future Work), Conclusion. 3. APA format (sixth ed.): Appendices follow references. 4. Paper length: Three pages
Total 150 100%
NR449 Evidence Based Practice
NR449 RUA Appraising the Evidence for JUL16.docx Revised 06/20163

Assignment Criteria
Outstanding or Highest Level of Performance A (92–100%)
Very Good or High Level of Performance

B (84–91%)
Competent or Satisfactory Level of Performance C (76–83%)
Poor, Failing or Unsatisfactory Level of Performance F (0–75%)

Problem (20 points)

Includes all elements in a manner that is clearly understood.
• Problem description provides focus of the group’s work. • Significance of the problem is clearly stated and supported by current evidence. • Purpose of paper is clearly stated. 19–20 points
Missing only one element OR One element is not presented clearly • Problem description provides focus of the group’s work. • Significance of the problem is clearly stated and supported by current evidence. • Purpose of paper is clearly stated. 17–18 points
Missing two elements OR One element is not presented clearly • Problem description provides focus of the group’s work. • Significance of the problem is clearly stated and supported by current evidence. • Purpose of paper is clearly stated. 16 points
Missing two or more elements AND/OR One or more elements are not presented clearly • Problem description provides focus of the group’s work. • Significance of the problem is clearly stated and supported by current evidence. • Purpose of paper is clearly stated. 0-15 points

Description of Findings: Summary (20 points)

Summary omits no more than one required item from the Evidence Matrix Table.

19–20 points
Summary omits two or three required items from the Evidence Matrix Table.

17–18 points
Summary omits four required items from the Evidence Matrix Table.

16 points
Summary omits five or more required items from the Evidence Matrix Table.

0–15 points

Description of Findings: Description (60 points)

Description includes ALL elements.

• What concepts have been studied? • What methods have been used?
Description missing no more than one element.

• What concepts have been studied? • What methods have been used?
Description missing no more than two elements.

• What concepts have been studied? • What methods have been used?
Description missing three or more elements.

• What concepts have been studied? • What methods have been used?
NR449 Evidence Based Practice
NR449 RUA Appraising the Evidence for JUL16.docx Revised 06/20164

• Who are the participants or members of the samples? • What instruments have been used? Did the authors describe the reliability and validity? • How do you answer your original “the purpose of this paper” question? Do the findings of the articles provide evidence for your answers? If so, how? If not, what is still needed to be able to answer your question? • What is needed for the next step? Identify two questions that can help guide the group’s work.

56–60 points
• Who are the participants or members of the samples? • What instruments have been used? Did the authors describe the reliability and validity? • How do you answer your original “the purpose of this paper” question? Do the findings of the articles provide evidence for your answers? If so, how? If not, what is still needed to be able to answer your question? • What is needed for the next step? Identify two questions that can help guide the group’s work.

51–55 points
• Who are the participants or members of the samples? • What instruments have been used? Did the authors describe the reliability and validity? • How do you answer your original “the purpose of this paper” question? Do the findings of the articles provide evidence for your answers? If so, how? If not, what is still needed to be able to answer your question? • What is needed for the next step? Identify two questions that can help guide the group’s work.

46–50 points
• Who are the participants or members of the samples? • What instruments have been used? Did the authors describe the reliability and validity? • How do you answer your original “the purpose of this paper” question? Do the findings of the articles provide evidence for your answers? If so, how? If not, what is still needed to be able to answer your question? • What is needed for the next step? Identify two questions that can help guide the group’s work.

0–45 points

Description of Findings: Conclusion (20 points)

Summary paragraph includes ALL major findings from article.

• Independently extracts complex data from a variety of quantitative sources, presents those data in summary form, makes appropriate
Summary paragraph omits ONE major finding from article.

• Independently extracts complex data from a variety of quantitative sources, presents those data in summary form, makes appropriate connections and inferences consistent with the data, and
Summary paragraph omits TWO major findings from article.

• Independently extracts complex data from a variety of quantitative sources, presents those data in summary form, makes appropriate connections and inferences consistent with the data, and
Summary paragraph omits THREE or MORE major findings from article.

• Independently extracts complex data from a variety of quantitative sources, presents those data in summary form, makes appropriate connections and inferences
NR449 Evidence Based Practice
NR449 RUA Appraising the Evidence for JUL16.docx Revised 06/20165

connections and inferences consistent with the data, and relates them to a larger context. • Recognizes points of view and value assumptions in formulating interpretation of data collected and articulates the point of view in a given situation. • Identifies misrepresentations in the presentation of quantitative data and the logical and empirical fallacies in inferences drawn from data.
relatesthem toa larger context. • Recognizes points of view and value assumptions in formulating interpretation of data collected and articulates the point of view in a given situation. • Identifies misrepresentations in the presentation of quantitative data and the logical and empirical fallacies in inferences drawn from data.
relates them toa larger context. • Recognizes points of view and value assumptions in formulating interpretation of data collected and articulates the point of view in a given situation. • Identifies misrepresentations in the presentation of quantitative data and the logical and empirical fallacies in inferences drawn from data.
consistentwith thedata,and relates them to a larger context. • Recognizes points of view and value assumptions in formulating interpretation of data collected and articulates the point of view in a given situation. • Identifies misrepresentations in the presentation of quantitative data and the logical and empirical fallacies in

Grammar, Spelling, Mechanics, and APA Format (30 points)

• Length is three full pages.

• Used appropriate APA format and is free of errors.

• Includes ALL headings and subheadings as instructed. • Grammar, spelling, and mechanics are free of errors. 28–30 points
• Length is no more than one quarter page under or over. • Used appropriate APA format, with one type of error.

• Includes ALL headings and subheadings as instructed. • Grammar, spelling, and mechanics have one type of error. 26–27 points
• Length is no more than one half page under or over. • Used appropriate APA format, with two types of errors.

• Includes ALL headings and subheadings as instructed. • Grammar, spelling, and mechanics have two types of errors. 23–25 points
• Length is three quarters of a page or more under or over. • Attempts made to use APA format; three or more types of errors are present. • Includes ALL headings and subheadings as instructed. • Grammar, spelling, and mechanics have three or more types of errors. 0–22 points
Total Points Possible = 150 points

RUA 2: Appraising the Evidence Matrix
Insert Student Name Here
Chamberlain College of Nursing
NR 449 – Evidence-Based Practice
Marianne Bogel, PhD(c)
Place due date here

RUA 2: Appraising the Evidence Matrix
Type a brief introduction to your paper here. In APA, this first paragraph is always a short introduction. NOTE: The Appendix at the end of this paper template contains a Matrix table for the articles you select. To complete this assignment, fill in the Matrix Table located in Appendix A following the references section of this template. When this paper is finished, there should be 3 pages of text, excluding the title page, references, and appendices. Please delete all instructions before turning in your paper.
Your assignment should be saved as lastname.firstname.RUA2.docx
Clinical Question
Describe the Problem
Briefly describe the problem you are covering
Significance of the Problem
Cover this area in terms of strengths/outcomes of statistics or qualitative evidence.
Purpose of Your Paper
State the purpose of your paper here.
Description of Findings
Summarize Basics Listed in the Matrix Table
The Matrix Table is located in Appendix A following the References section of this template.
Describe the Following:
Note. These are APA Level 3 Headings; this section is formatted as paragraphs, with the Level 3 Heading at the beginning of each paragraph. Do not alter the formatting. Delete this note before turning in the paper.
Concepts. Start here
Methods used. Start here
Participants. Start here
Instruments, including reliability and validity. Start here
Answer to “Purpose” question. Start here
Identify next step for group. Start here
Start here and write a brief summary conclusion of the contents presented in this paper Remember, you are not re-writing the entire paper – make this a concise summary, hitting the main points.
Insert References Here – place the cursor at the beginning of this line, and then add your references. This section is already formatted correctly for the references. If you paste in a reference, please be mindful that this will change the formatting. References should be double-spaced, no additional spacing between references, and hanging at 0.5”. Delete this note before turning in your paper.
Books. See the APA Manual 6th Edition for correct formatting rules for books, including Books, Edited Books, Editions, etc. Remember, if you use a chapter in an edited book, you must properly cite this references showing both the chapter and its authors, and the book title and editors.
Journal Articles: You can collect these from the DeVry Library databases and Google Scholar. Be aware that references are sometimes listed using ALL CAPS FOR TITLES. Always change these to the proper format in sentence case for APA: Sentence case for article titles.
Websites: See the APA Manual 6th Edition for correct formatting rules for websites. Be sure to include the date for each website. Look at the bottom of the page – if not there, right click on the page to get the date in the area labeled “View Page Info”. If it lists the date as the date and time you accessed the page, use that date.
Citing sources: See Table 6.1 Basic citation Styles, Page 177 in the APA Manual 6th Edition for examples on citing all types of references. Every idea that came from any reference must be cited.
If you need more help, I am available, but do not wait until the last minute! I enjoy helping students master APA formatting, an essential skill to attaining a good grade in this course and the Capstone course where you will write a major paper in APA format.
Appendix A
Appraising the Evidence Matrix
Article Reference Purpose Hypothesis
Research Question Independent Variables
Dependent Variables
(DV) Study Design Sample
Size and Selection Data collection methods Major Findings




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