Describe at least two technological advancements that would be available to patients. To be effective in the future of the health care industry we must embrace the opportunities to become to think longer term and more broadly so that more people are affected by our actions.


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Describe at least two technological advancements that would be available to patients. To be effective in the future of the health care industry we must embrace the opportunities to become to think longer term and more broadly so that more people are affected by our actions. One of the advancements I believe is much more will be done in terms of genetic testing and technologies to predict and prevent certain diseases and illness. Another area I believe will make tremendous progress is the way in which vaccines are created. The process in which a vaccine is developed today is a long and very expensive one, with technology advancing at the pace it already is today, the year 2030 may bring vaccines and genetic testing leaps and bounds from where they are today.
How would technology help providers make health care decisions? Technology will help providers to make faster decisions on a patients care by allowing for nstant results from tests and/or biopsies, developing more targeting therapies for cancer treatment. Multi-spectral imaging systems in the future will help determine the pathways in which cancer cells will grow and mutate, allowing for a more specific treatment plan than what is stand today. A more pin-pointed individuated treatment plan will be available for each patient based on their genetic make-up (Yoder-Wise, 2014).
How would patients and families interact with providers from their homes or in their communities? The process for patients and their families to communicate with their health care providers has already begun to change and will no doubt continue to develop at an astounding pace. Many hospitals have already put in place a system that allows patients to have instant access to their medical records. This type of technology in the future will allow patient and their families to collaborate with the health care team from their homes instead of a more traditional office or hospital visit, this will in turn help to contain cost and alleviate stress on the health care system.
What would health care systems be able to do “in real time?” With the advancement of technology in the future, this will allow health care providers to apply “real time” knowledge to their patients. For example, systems are now being developed that allow a nurse to have at their fingertips at the patient’s bedside a system that translates nursing knowledge into reference materials that can be accessed at the immediate point of care (Yoder, Wise, 2014).
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