LESSON 1: Developmental Management of Early Childhood, School-Age Children, and Adolescents

ASSIGNMENT: Developmental Changes from Early Childhood to School-Age Children

This assignment focuses on the developmental changes from early childhood to school-age children.
Assignment Guidelines
Compare and contrast the developmental assessment of a 2-year-old child, a 5-year-old child, and a 10-year-old child. List two issues that are unique to each of these ages in one of the five categories (physical, motor, communication/language, social/emotional, or cognitive).

Lesson Introduction
In this week’s lesson, you will examine the developmental milestones achieved from early childhood to school age and any potential developmental red flags that may occur. You will see how Josh and Jenny are progressing with Sammy and what challenges they have encountered.
This week and next, you will see how technology impacts pediatric populations and what nurse practitioners can do to make sure that its use is advantageous and not detrimental. You will also investigate integrative medicine as complementary health therapies in pediatric primary care.
You will continue your journey with Josh, Jenny, Sam, and Sophia and explore the developmental management of adolescents and the challenges that typically occur during the high school years. You will also review performing a sports physical and how to identify the signs and symptoms of a concussion and its recommended treatment.
This week, you will continue to compare and contrast the developmental changes that occur in children, focusing on early childhood and school age. You will also explore how integrative medicine can be applied in the primary care setting and how exposure to excessive technology might affect brain development in the pediatric population.
Finally, you will explore the changes expected with Sam and his female companion, Sophia, as adolescents—including their physical, psychosocial, emotional, and cognitive development.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Recognize the early childhood developmental milestones by age. (CO1)
• Recognize the school age developmental milestones by age. (CO7)
• Examine how technology has negative effects on development in the pediatric population. (CO2)
• Identify different integrative approaches to treating health care issues. (CO2)
• Recognize the developmental milestones of adolescents. (CO1)
Learning Materials
Read the following in Burns’ Pediatric Primary Care textbook:
Garzon Maaks, D. L., Barber Starr, N., Brady, M. A., Gaylord, N. M., Driessnack, M., & Duderstadt, K. (2021). Burns’ pediatric primary care (7th ed.). Elsevier.
• Chapter 11, “Developmental Management of Early Childhood”
• Chapter 12, “Developmental Management of Middle Childhood”
• Chapter 27, “Complementary and Integrative Health in Pediatric Primary Care with an Introduction to Functional Medicine”
• Chapter 13, “Developmental Management of Adolescents and Young Adults”
• Chapter 21, “Sexuality, Sex, and Gender Identity”
Read the following material:
• Instructions and Permissions for Use of the M-CHAT (PDF)Links to an external site.
• Pediatrics Symptom Checklist (PDF)Links to an external site.
The readings required for this week will allow you to identify the developmental milestones appropriate for early childhood and school-age children with access to two screening tools to help identify red flags. They will also introduce the use of integrative therapies in the primary care setting. The readings will also help you to understand the physical, psychosocial, emotional, and cognitive developmental changes expected in both male and female adolescents.

Developmental Changes from Early Childhood to School-Age Children Rubric
Criteria/Requirement Ratings
Assignment is well written, displaying understanding of content and a degree of critical thinking. Information is not just cut and pasted. Meets expectations
Assignment includes developmental assessment of a 2, 5, and 10-year-old, along with two issues unique to each age. Meets expectations
Spelling and grammar are correct; follows APA format for references. Meets expectations

Criteria Ratings
Content Follows directions, answers all questions thoroughly and appropriately
Grasp of significance Projects thorough knowledge and critical understanding of the significance of the assignment to professional development as an FNP.
Clarity and logic All answers are correct with a clear and logical path to reach a solution to the problem presented.
Terminology Uses appropriate terminology correctly throughout.

References Contains no errors in grammar or spelling. Uses references and cites them properly using APA format.




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