What are the differences between justice and fairness?
It is often assumed that there exist no difference between justice and fairness. The two ideas are very difficult to separate. It is somehow assumed that justice and fairness have equal importance. This paper argues that there are important dissimilarities between the two terms. It is important to understand that justice and fairness discuss different ideas. It is correct to say that they have different definitions. To add on, the two terms mean unlike things in practice thus it raises a disagreement with the arguments that fairness is a concept of justice. Some individuals claim that even though the idea of justice and fairness may be different, justice can only prevail if there is fairness. This paper will try to demonstrate that the previously mentioned views are mistaken through highlighting an essential feature of fairness and showing its implications.
Fairness is concerned with the reasonable treatment given to the members of a particular group when the benefits and burdens are distributed in the process of rules and laws administration, during cooperation and competition among members in a group, and during punishments for wrongs or compensations on suffering incurred.
Justice and fairness are often used interchangeably (Mandal, 2010, p. 60).This case is because fairness is perceived as a key part of justice in serious situations. This explanation applies the broader view that reflects justice and fairness as connected concepts. There exist obvious similarities of the ideas of fairness and justice.
The meaning of fairness is frequently hard to explain and can change depending on the situation that the term is being used (Rist, 2002, p. 135). In order to understand, there are various key points that need to be put across. First, unfairness may be portrayed in situations where different people are not treated in a similar manner, unless there exist relevant differences among them. This may be complicated to judge because it is not clear what people ought to consider being relevant variances in each case. Considering the example of patients in hospitals. Private hospitals are more expensive than public hospitals. The health services administered in the private hospitals is of much quality than in public hospital. The rich people in the society mostly attend private hospitals where they get best services. In this case, one may ask if there is fairness in healthcare.
Secondly, equality is an important concept that is related to fairness. It is not clear, whether individuals should be considered or if individuals need to prove the existence of similarities. It is clear that if a person feels that he has been treated unfairly because of lack of equality, then the burden of proving the unequal treatment is on the person endorsing it.
The third discussion is based on the notion that people different people get what they deserve according to what they have done. In other words, discussing equality, actions of a particular person are supposed to be factored in when determining the treatment they deserve and whether this treatment is fair or unfair.