Dissertation Proposal NRSA F31 Application: Violence, Discrimination, and Cardiovascular Health in low income African American women.
Instruction & Requirements:
I must submit a grant application proposal for my dissertation by December 8, 2016. There will be at least two earlier deadlines for two of the parts, specifically the concept/study design paper (also called \”specific aims\” and methods) which would be useful to have done very quickly, and then a final draft of the proposal will be due for review at least a few business days before the final due date. I have uploaded a detailed file with instructions of how to complete the grant proposal. It will be submitted to the NINR (nursing research institute) and will act as my dissertation proposal to my dissertation committee. My proposed project involves adding on to an existing study that is ongoing right now. This current study is measuring variables including childhood maltreatment, intimate partner violence, and racial/ethnic discrimination in a population of low income African American women ages 18-44. I would like to explore the relationship between these variables and risk for cardiovascular disease, specifically blood pressure and BMI (body mass index, a measure of height and weight). I have done limited research for sources up to this point. I would like to get the ball rolling right away and work with you to get this out in stages and finally a finished project. *Note: There are links embedded in the \”Job Aid\” document I am attaching with further detailed instructions on things like formatting, page numbers, etc. I need assistance only with the Specific Aims and Research Strategy I believe.
I need the Specific Aims and overall draft of research methods by this Friday if possible, but that is not set in stone. The reality is the sooner the better for that part. That part can be 1-2 pages single spaced. It is essentially the first page of the total project and a draft of the second section. After that point, there is no other section that needs to be completed early. I would simply like a draft of the whole project in advance of the due date, so at least a week early.