Hello writer my topic for this paper is , Do you think a healthier school lunch program is a lost cause? Thank you

Write an argumentative essay on one of the topics listed below. Your essay, which counts 15% of your entire course grade, must have the following:● A standard argumentative structure as discussed in class, whereby only one reason is given for each body paragraph (the penultimate refutation paragraph is optional)● An engaging introduction paragraph with a strong thesis statement● Strong body paragraphs that support your thesis with plenty of details and examples● An engaging conclusion paragraph● A word count between 800 and 1,100 (only the words within the essay’s paragraphs make up the word count)● Standard English grammar, diction, spelling, punctuation, etc.● Correctly-formatted pages, according to MLA standards● At least one direct or indirect quotation from one or two sources only; the source(s) must be credible (that is, not from a website like Wikipedia, blogs, discussion board postings,etc.), and the quotation(s) must not exceed 15% of the entire paper● Appropriately-placed parenthetical citations(s) and a fully-sourced works cited page for the one or two sources, according to MLA standards Remember to write your rough draft first and then find one or two—and only one or two—credible sources to incorporate into your essay in order to enhance and/or support your paper. Do not conduct research prior to outlining and writing the rough draft because any ideas that you take from a source in the form of a direct or indirect quotation must be documented. Now, since the paper assignment requires only one or two sources that make up no more than15% of your essay, you cannot incorporate very much of other people’s ideas into your paper, souse your source(s) sparingly. For additional information about essay requirements, please see the “Essay Expectations” sectioning the course’s essay grading rubric. Failure to comply with any of these essay requirements will result in a substantial deduction of points on the final draft’s grade. Failure to document all sources completely (i.e., plagiarism)—whether intentionally or unintentionally—will result in an automatic zero for the essay’s final draft. Essay Topics [Adopted from The New York Times]
1. Should people be allowed to obscure their identities online?
2. Is there too much pressure on girls to have ‘perfect’ bodies? or How much pressure do boys face to have the perfect body?
3. Do sports teams have a responsibility to hold players to a standard for their personal conduct?
4. Should terminally ill patients be allowed to die on their own terms?
5. Do bystanders have a responsibility to intervene when there is trouble?
6. Should felons be allowed to vote after they have served their time?
7. Is it ethical to genetically engineer animals?
8. Do you think a healthier school lunch program is a lost cause?
9. Should discomfort excuse students from having to complete an assignment?
10. Should high schools do more to prepare students for careers?




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