The ethical nature of public health has been implicitly assumed rather than explicitly stated.

Here is a quotation from your reading Public Health Code of Ethics (Public Health Leadership Society, 2002):

Until recently, the ethical nature of public health has been implicitly assumed rather than explicitly stated. Increasingly, however, society is demanding explicit attention to ethics. This demand arises from: technological advances that create new possibilities, and with them, new ethical dilemmas; new challenges to health such as the advent of human immunodeficiency virus; abuses of power, such as the Tuskegee study of syphilis; and an increasingly pluralistic society in which we can no longer simply adopt the values from a single culture or religion, but we must work out our common values in the midst of diversity.

What does it mean to “work out our common values in the midst of diversity” across cultures and religions? How can we go about this? What are the public health implications of different cultural and religious values and ethics? (200 WORDS MIN)


Week 1 Discussion – How Would You Classify Yourself?

Week 1 Discussion – How Would You Classify Yourself?

According to Chapter 2 in the Rose (2013) textbook, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) standardized race and ethnicity into four racial groups and one ethnicity. The four racial groups are: Native American or Alaskan Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, African American/Black and White/Caucasian. The one ethnic group is Hispanic/Latino.

Think about how you would classify yourself using these groups (I’M AFRICAN AMERICAN). Would you include yourself in one of the above categories? If so, which one(s)? If there is no category for you, how would you classify yourself? What factors do you base your classification on? Overall, what are your feelings about classifying yourself? How did this exercise make you feel?

What recommendations would you make to OMB in order to be more inclusive in the race and ethnic categories? Be specific. (200 WORDS MIN)


Week 1 Written Assignment – Mapping Community Assets

Review the following website: Watch the clips from In Sickness and In Wealth, the first episode in the Unnatural Causes documentary. In addition, read through the Social Determinants of Health Frequently Asked Questions page from the CDC’s website on Social Determinants of Health.

On page A5 of the Unnatural Causes Discussion Guide for Episode 1 there is a listing of factors that could potentially contribute positively or negatively to your life. The factors are listed below:

  1. Food Access and Availability
  2. Quality Education
  3. Good Transportation / Planning
  4. Affordable Housing
  5. Good Jobs & Work Opportunities
  6. Business Investment and Development
  7. Income and Wealth
  8. Social Supports
  9. Public Safety
  10. Green Spaces
  11. Recreational Opportunities

For this paper, pick the top three factors that contribute positively to your health and explain why. Be specific in your answers (for example, if you identified “quality education” as a positive, what is it about the school districts in your community that make them good?) What factors contribute negatively to your health and why? Pick at least one factor from the above list. For the one factor you identified as negative, how can it be changed to be positive? What resources would you use to do this? What possible challenges may arise? What policy arenas need to be identified? In what ways can your community be organized to change the negative factor into a positive one?

Your paper should be uploaded electronically via the assigned dropbox in Engage. Your paper should be typed, up to five pages in length, and follow the APA Style which includes a cover page, one inch margins, double spacing, and 12 inch Times New Roman font with a reference page as applicable. (2 PAGES)




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