Examine the nurses role in the provision of culturally safe care for elderly patients who identify to a specific cultural group in Australia.
HNN026 Legal, Ethical and Contemporary Issues in Australian Nursing Practice
Assessment Task 1
Purpose of assessment task:
Many factors influence the nurse in the provision of patient care in the Australian Healthcare context. Included are scope of practice for registered nurses, legal, ethical and current day issues. Nurses are also required to provide culturally safe care, including safely meeting the needs, expectations and rights of others.
Assessment Task
Students in groups of four (maximum) are to develop a group poster focused on one of the issues related to cultural safety (see ULOs). The group is then required to give an eight (8) minute presentation of the poster. The focus of the poster and presentation is on the nurses role in the provision of culturally safe care in the Australian Healthcare system.
You are asked to select one topic of culturally safe health care to answer the following;
Examine the nurses role in the provision of culturally safe care for elderly patients who identify to a specific cultural group in Australia
Relevant Unit learning outcomes and Graduate Learning Outcomes
This assessment task provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate the following unit learning outcomes and Graduate Learning Outcomes;
Unit Learning Outcomes
ULO 2 – Analyse issues of cultural safety including issues of age, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, ethnicity, religious belief or disability in the provision of nursing practice in Australia
ULO 4 – Describe strategies or programs that will ensure quality and safety in the provision of healthcare in Australia
ULO 6 Analyse issues specific to particular cultural groups in the Australian community including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, refugees and immigrants and the impact on health
ULO 7 – Develop oral presentation and communication skills to groups and individuals including interview skills
Graduate Learning Outcomes
GLO 1 Discipline knowledge & capabilities
GLO2 – Communication
GLO 3 Digital Literacy
GLO 4 – Critical Thinking
GLO 5 Problem Solving
GLO 6 Self-management
GLO 7 Teamwork
Submission information:
Due date: Tuesday 10th February 2018
Each group of four students is to submit a poster with the completed Group Contract to the Unit Chair The Unit Chair will arrange your submission time.Each member of the group is to speak (maximum of 2 minutes each) to an aspect of the poster in the timetabled session. Each group is to prepare a hard copy (A4 B & W) of the poster as a handout for each student in the group.
Student instructions for assessment task Poster
The following instructions are designed to assist you with the assessment task
Establishing the group and member roles
1. , roles of group members and dates/times of meetings. Each group will be required to complete a group charter and project summary. The relevant document can be found in the Assessment folder on the unit Cloud site.
2. Each group is to identify a group leader whose role it is to co-ordinate the poster presentation
Poster Content
1. Access relevant contemporary literature. References should mainly include refereed journal articles and ideally be no more than eight years old. Information from professional websites may also be used. References to google websites and/or Wikipedia are not appropriate for this assessment task.
2. Read the marking rubric for information about the concepts, performance standards and marks distribution for the poster.