Explain the role different professionals in health and social care have on meeting health promotion targets set by government in relation to the case study. 2

Task no.
LO1 Understand the socioeconomic influences on health 1.1 Explain the impact of socio-economic influences on health 1
Assess the significance of government sources in reporting on inequalities in health in relation to the case scenario. 1
1.3 Discuss the reasons and any possible barriers for accessing health care
LO2 Understand models of health promotion. 2.1 Analyse the links between government strategies and models of health promotion. 2
2.2 Explain the role different professionals in health and social care have on meeting health promotion targets set by government in relation to the case study. 2
2.3 Discuss the role of routines in promoting healthy living. 2
LO3 Understand factors which influence health promotion 3.1 Explain how health beliefs relate to theories of health behaviour 3
3.2 Discuss the potential effects of potential conflicts with local industry on health promotion 3
3.3 Explain with examples the importance of providing relevant health related information to the public 3
LO4 Be able to plan a health promotion campaign. 4.1 Plan a health promotion campaign to meet specific objectives. 4
4.2 Explain how the health promotion campaign supports government health promotion strategies 4
In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades
Grade Descriptor Indicative characteristic/s Contextualisation
M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solution An effective approach to study and research has been applied
Complex problems with more than one variable have been explored To achieve M1 in Task 1, you need to show that your approach to study and research has been applied to explain the impact of socio-economic influences on the health of Jane and Peter . (Task 1)
To achieve M1, complex problems with more than one variable have been explored when exploring the role that different professionals have in meeting health promotion targets set by government in relation to Jane and Peter and will have met the deadline to submit the tasks and achieve the unit assessment criteria. (Task 2)
M2 Select / design and apply appropriate methods / techniques The design of methods/ techniques has been justified /Relevant theories and techniques have been applied To achieve M2 the design of methods and techniques/sources has been justified in planning a health promotion campaign to meet specific objective through the presentation campaign(Task4).
To achieve M2 relevant theories and techniques have been applied using Stages of Change model to explain how health beliefs are translated relate to theories of health behaviour in relation to Jane and Peter in the case study (Task 3)
M3 Present and communicate appropriate findings Coherent, logical development of principles /concepts
To achieve M3 a range of sources of information has been used to discuss the possible effects of potential conflicts with the local industry on health promotion with respect to Jane and Peter (TASK 3).
To achieve M3 a range of methods of presentation have been used and technical language has been accurately used when explaining how the health promotion campaign supports health promotion strategies (Task 4)
D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions Realistic improvements have been proposed using defined criteria

To achieve D1 you will have proposed a theory of health behaviour and propose changes that reflect Jane’s behaviour and Paul’s behaviour in the case scenario (Task 3).
To achieve D1 self-criticism of approach has taken place when planning a specific health promotion campaign that meet specific objectives (Task 4)
To achieve D1 conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified when assessing the relevance of government resources such as reports/research on inequalities in health in relation to the case study. You will relate the governmental reports to the case study. (TASK1)
D2 Take responsibility for managing and organising activities The importance of interdependence has been recognized and achieved To achieve D2 substantial activities, projects or investigations have been planned, managed and organized in the planning of a health promotion campaign to meet specific objective (TASK 2)
To achieve D2 substantial activities or investigations have been planned, managed and organised when analysing the links between government strategies and models of health promotion in relation to the case study using Beattie’ model of health promotion (Task 4).
D3 Demonstrate convergent /lateral / creative thinking Self-evaluation has taken place, Ideas have been generated and decisions taken Problems have been solved To achieve D3 innovation and creative thought have to be applied when planning a specific health promotion campaign that meet specific objectives (Task 4)
To achieve D3 problems have been solved when using Beattie’s model of health promotion to support your answer in relation to Jane and Peter. (Task 2)

Assignment brief
Unit number and title Unit 29: Health Promotion
Qualification Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Health and Social Care
Start date
Deadline/hand-in Task 1, 20th April 2016
Task 2: 20th April 2016
Task 3: 20th April 2016
Group Presentation: 13th April 2016 group? Or individual?


Assignment title Health Promotion
Purpose of this assignment
The following tasks have been designed to guide your work and provide you with opportunities to provide evidence that demonstrates your understanding of socio-economic influences on the health of individuals. Each task is different but will Task 1 to 3 will use the same scenario that you need to read carefully. Task 4 will be a group presentation where you will be designing a Health Promotion Campaign, but note that the allocation of marks will be according to individual performance in the group. It is important to place your work in the context of health and social care practice therefore examples will be required to support your discussion linked with appropriate theory. The work you present for assessment must be your own and all sources of information used need to be cited in the text and in a reference list using the Harvard Referencing System
As a Health Improvement Specialist working in Gants Hill, you would have an understanding of what influences the health of the individuals within your community. You have recently come across a case in which the two people involved in the case study could have benefited from an early intervention from health professionals, teachers, their parents and the community. You will attend a conference later this year and will highlight some of the issues that got both Jane and Peter to their current state.
This case study will examine the lives of a 16-year-old girl named Jane and her 17-year-old partner name Peter. They are both smokers and drinkers. Recently they found out that Jane is three months pregnant. This will be a reflection on a real life situation from health and social care practice, so all names and information that could identify the clients, will be changed in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council guidelines to protect patient confidentiality (2004).
Jane and Peter both left school at age 15; they both live in council flats with their parents in Redbridge. Jane lives with her mother and Peter lives with both his parents who have a history of substance abuse. Jane currently works 16 hours a week in a supermarket and Peter is currently unemployed. Your report must focus on the issue of either 1) smoking during pregnancy or 2) drinking during pregnancy, in terms of its epidemiology. Please choose either smoking or drinking but not both.
The main focus of your discussions throughout the assignment must be on Health Promotion and should relate to the case study of Jane and Peter. Certain models and approaches should be addressed to see what could be useful when trying to promote someone like Jane and Peter to make a lifestyle change to benefit their own, and in this case, the health of their unborn child.
You will also then look at Government initiatives, policies and strategies surrounding this case scenario, and any ethical issues that arise from this situation and discuss this in relation to Jane and Peter.
As you will attend a conference later this year, use the above case study to write a report with 3 sections (according to Tasks below) to highlight some of the issues that got both Jane and Peter into their current state and the possible support available to them.
Task 1 (1.1 1.2 1.3 and M1, D1)
Task 1: LO1 Understand the socioeconomic influences on health
What you must do
Write the first section of your report using the case scenario; you must include the following into your report and discussion to demonstrate an understanding of the effect socio-economic circumstance can have on health.
• explain the effects of socio-economic influences on Jane and Peter’s health and their unborn child (1.1)
• assess the relevance of government resources such as reports/research on inequalities in health in relation to the case study (1.2).
• discuss the reason and any possible barriers to Jane and Peter accessing health care (1.3).
To achieve M1 an effective approach to study has been applied when explaining the effects of socio-economic influences on Jane and Peter health and their unborn child.
To achieve D1 conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified when assessing the relevance of government resources such as reports/research on inequalities in health in relation to the case study. You will relate the governmental reports to the case study.
TASK 4 will be a 15 minute Group Presentation * Groups of 4 *

What you must do to achieve Task 4

Each group of 4 will choose from any of the following 4 (four) health promotion areas below:

1. School Health promotion
2. Workplace Health promotion
3. Community-based Health promotion in health care settings
4. Rural Health promotion.

You will plan a health promotion campaign that is allocated to the health promotion area above that you choose (i.e. obesity, smoking, alcohol, air pollution, teenage pregnancy, HPV, cervical cancer etc.) for East London local authority imagining that you are in charge of. Each group will then research their allocated topic and prepare a guided poster and power presentation topic to be presented.

(Note: Tutor will select the groups)

1. The presentation lasts 15 minutes only. The presentation dates will be over a range of 3 class days, therefore it’s important that you keep within your 15 minute time limit.

2. You must present your work as a PPT only. Failure to do so means you will fail the presentation. Each member of the group will contribute equally and you must submit in your reflective account only what you contributed.

3. You should reference your work using a range of sources.

4. Submit your hard copy slides to your tutor ( and convert also into 2-4 per page and convert to PDF for easy uploading onto livecampus).
In your power point presentation you need to address the following to show a full understanding of L04
This will also be used as the Marking criteria.
? 1.The target group and their characteristics.
? 2. Needs of the target group regarding your health promotion campaign.
? 3. Goals of health promotion.
? 4. Specific objectives for activity.
? 5. The resources that will be needed for your health promotion campaign
? 6. Content, method of activity.
? 7. How your health promotion campaign will be evaluated.
? 8. Reflect on how does your health promotion campaign support health promotion strategies.
? 9. Conclude on your presentation.
Use the same scenario to write a report answering the 3 Tasks
Task 1,
Task 2:
Task 3:

Group Presentation:
Task 1, 20th April 2016
Task 2: 20th April 2016
Task 3: 20th April 2016

Group Presentation: 13th April 2016

Submission Guidelines:

Preferred writing styles Calibri, Arial, Verdana, and Times New Roman
Line spacing 1.5, Font Size 12
Consistency in Heading Scheme, bullets and numbering
Consistency in top, bottom and left, right margins
Alphabetical Harvard referencing and bibliography

*For Late Submission policy, please refer to your student course handbook available on Live Campus.

Plagiarism Rules and Regulations

No plagiarism is accepted in assignments and students are advised to do the referencing correctly according to the Harvard Referencing System.
Students are advised to submit assignments with a similarity in below 10%. Any student submitting an assignment with a percentage of more than 20% will fail and get an official academic warning.
Reduce your plagiarism by not sharing assignments and doing in text citations of sources used, using the Harvard referencing method

What is Turnitin?

Turnitin is the software that EThames uses to calculate the similarity of your assignment to any other document submitted in the same system all over the world.

What happens when you submit an assignment on Turnitin?

You submit your assignment on Turnitin by submitting it on Livecampus on the assignment submission link. Your assignment is then compared with all of the assignments for all the different units submitted on Livecampus as well as assignments submitted by other students in other colleges and books and documents all over the world. The report generated is not the final report. The final report will only be generated after the final deadline which would mean that once the submission link closes and once every student submitted assignments at EThames for the specific unit, only then the final report will be generated. This means that if you have shared your assignment with anybody and they have submitted part of it or the full assignment the initial report your friend got would’ve indicated the similarity, but your report would’ve remained unchanged. This is because the report is refreshed every time that you upload your assignment and then finally after the deadline. After the deadline their plagiarism will be high as well as your own.

What can you do to avoid getting a high Turnitin score?

Do not copy pieces of work from any book or website. It needs to be rewritten in your own words and proper in text citation should be done according to the Harvard referencing method

Do not share your assignment with any friend, not even to assist them


Plagiarism is passing off the work of others as your own. This constitutes academic theft and is a serious matter which is penalised in assignment marking.

Plagiarism is the submission of an item of assessment containing elements of work produced by another person(s) in such a way that it could be assumed to be the student’s own work. Examples of plagiarism are:

The verbatim copying of another person’s work without acknowledgement

The close paraphrasing of another person’s work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation without acknowledgement

The unacknowledged quotation of phrases from another person’s work and/or the presentation of another person’s idea(s) as one’s own.

Copying or close paraphrasing with occasional acknowledgement of the source may also be deemed to be plagiarism if the absence of quotation marks implies that the phraseology is the student’s own.

Plagiarised work may belong to another student or be from a published source such as a book, report, journal or material available on the Internet.




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