For this week’s Forum, respond to the following: Describe three things you learned from the course that you will want to remember 5 years from now. These can be ideas, concepts, techniques, etc. that you think are memorable and will be useful in the future.

This portion of the forum calls for you to reflect on what in the course was meaningful to you, and to articulate this beyond a simple list or summary of what you read this semester.

Reply to the following response with 200 words minimum. (please make response as if having a conversation, respond directly to some of the statements in below post. This is not providing an analysis of the original post. Respectfully address it and even ask clarifying or additional questions.)


One thing that I learned during this course that I hope to remember at least five years from now is the importance of finding a healthy balance between the many separate areas of life. There have been many topics throughout the course that seemed to point this out. During childrearing, it is important to balance career obligations, parenting obligations, and relationship obligations in order to maintain financial stability while providing sufficient care and a healthy environment. Balancing these obligations is important when trying to maintain a healthy marriage as well. It is also helpful to find a healthy balance between work and fun, which leads to another thing that I hope to remember at least five years from now, the importance of managing stress.

Making sure to take part in leisure activities helps to reduce stress, which leads to a healthier life and can even increase productivity at home and at work. But too much leisure time may prevent progression or lead to financial instability, which causes more stress and anxiety. A small amount of stress and anxiety may be helpful in certain situations, but too much stress and anxiety can become extremely harmful to overall mental and physical health. There are countless situations throughout life that cause stress, so it is important to find appropriate and healthy ways of avoiding or relieving that stress. Managing stress is crucial in regards to maintaining a high quality of life.

A third thing that I hope to remember in at least five years is the idea that development continues throughout the entire lifetime. This means that there is always room for progression and maintaining a sense of purpose. It is important to realize that adulthood is not an endpoint. Instead, it is just another step in the process of development. Adulthood offers countless opportunities to learn and grow, and making the most of these opportunities will promote healthy development and progression.


Hello class,

Man, this course was so great. So much to learn in 8 weeks and I can honestly say a lot of information has been retained for me to carry and to pass down as well. Midlife crisis to me was an important topic. Everyone is going to go through a midlife crisis. So, it’s important to know the signs when it’s your turn. This topic mattered to me because my parents are getting closer to that age so when this occurs I can now be armed and ready. The next topic that really got my attention will be about the sandwich generation. Again, this topic hasn’t had to affect me yet, so this is why these topics I have chosen are important. When this will occur for me I will probably be close to my 50’s but now I can be somewhat prepared. Since I don’t have children right now either, I can plan to have my children either sooner or later to avoid this from affecting my family in a negative way. The sandwich generation can lead my family to being uprooted if I don’t plant myself close by to my immediate family. I have already taken the first steps to this for my future because of this class within the last few months. I purchased my first home close to family. The last topic that really got my attention as well was about parenting. Parenting is going to happen for me eventually, and although I am making a choice to adopt children, these stages are still going to make an impact on my life. I know now to be prepared in all stages of my child’s life. The adolescent stage will be the most important for me because I know now that most of the decisions that are going to be made to solidify a future, comes from the adolescent years. This class has given me an opportunity to focus on my future now more than ever. Moving forward I hope to carry this information and hopefully pass it down to my younger brother and sister. Have a great last week everyone.




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