LESSON 2: Gynecologic Disorders in the Pediatric population
DISCUSSION: Genitalia Examination

This discussion focuses on genitalia examination.
Discussion Guidelines
Initial Post
There is a lot of discrepancy when it comes to examining genitalia in the pediatric population. What have you witnessed in your clinical setting regarding both male and female patients? For example, do other clinicians document the Tanner stages? What is recommended, and how do you think you will practice? At what age will you ask the parent to stay in the waiting room?

Lesson Introduction
This week tackles the gynecological development of the pediatric population. Review how to perform a thorough history and physical assessment of the pediatric patient. What guidelines does your preceptor follow when addressing this “sensitive” examination? Identify what gynecological disorders may be present and how to treat them. Our assignment touches on what rights both the parent and pediatric patient have in regards to confidentiality, according to the state where the exam takes place.
This week also discusses the musculoskeletal and neurological assessment of the pediatric population. As you well know, sometimes these assessments can be challenging. Review how to perform a thorough assessment and identify disorders seen in the pediatric population, along with recommended evidence-based treatment.
The first lesson this week focuses on the gynecological development of the pediatric population. Review the age-appropriate recommended approach to performing a physical exam and discuss different gynecological disorders and evidence-based treatment.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
• Perform a thorough history and physical assessment involving the gynecological development of the pediatric population. (CO8)
• Identify multiple gynecological disorders in the pediatric population and recommend evidence-based treatment. (CO7)
• Identify your state laws involving child confidentiality rights. (CO9)
Learning Materials
Read the following in your Burns’ Pediatric Primary Care textbook:
• Chapter 21, "Sex, Sexuality, and Gender Identity" (History, pp. 298–300)
• Chapter 41, "Genitourinary Disorders" (Acute Male Genitourinary Conditions, pp. 846–850)
• Chapter 42, “Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology”
Read the following in your Pediatric Physical Examination: An Illustrated Handbook textbook:
• Chapter 16, “Male Genitalia”
• Chapter 17, “Male and Female Breasts”
• Chapter 18, “Female Genitalia”
These readings help to understand the developmental changes expected during a gynecological exam at specific ages for both male and female pediatric patients. They also help to understand the confidentiality rights of the child, as well as parent involvement.

The Required Textbook cited below:
Garzon Maaks, D. L., Barber Starr, N., Brady, M. A., Gaylord, N. M., Driessnack, M., & Duderstadt, K. (2021). Burns’ pediatric primary care (7th ed.). Elsevier.

Duderstadt, K. G. (2019). Pediatric physical examination: An illustrated handbook (3rd ed.).

Criteria Ratings
Content Exceeds Expectations
Follows directions, answers all questions thoroughly and appropriately. Makes reference to course materials and additional resources to support all aspects of argument.
Length, Logic, and Mechanics Exceeds Expectations
clearly and concisely stated, smoothly connected, and logically arranged ideas. Contains no spelling or grammatical errors. No APA errors.

Criteria Ratings
Content Follows directions, answers all questions thoroughly and appropriately
Grasp of significance Projects thorough knowledge and critical understanding of the significance of the assignment to professional development as an FNP.
Clarity and logic All answers are correct with a clear and logical path to reach a solution to the problem presented.
Terminology Uses appropriate terminology correctly throughout.

References Contains no errors in grammar or spelling. Uses references and cites them properly using APA format.




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