Instructions: for this week focus on a cover letter and problem statement. Based off Carla’s story, how would you create a grant proposal for a dialysis patient care coordination program ?

Cover Letter 1 pg:
This formal letter introduces the applicant to the funder. It expresses the applicants interest in applying for funding, the name of the project, a brief statement about what the project is and why it is important, the amount requested, and includes names of all appropriate applicants of the proposal.
2 pages: This section clearly describes the problem you plan to address and the circumstances creating the need. Justifying WHY a change is urgent. Use times new roman 12 point font, double spaced.
• What is the nature and extent of the problem?
• What are the risk factors or causes contributing to the problem?
• What are the consequences if nothing is done?
What are promising approaches and gaps that substantiate a need?

Concept ideas: renal dialysis patients who are re-admitted within 30 days into a hospital would be enrolled in southwest clinic new care coordination program that does the following:
RN/LVN and social workers team (RN work M-F and SW works M-T and TH-S)
-Screen in patient dialysis patients for needs including any barriers to care and develop care plan. Verify contact information, and call/texts to verify appointments. Obtain consents to obtain test results and Medical records for other providers.
– Ensure f/u appointments are arranged, they call the patient the day after discharge to reinforce education and any upcoming appointments.
– Ensure transportation is arranged or available. The individual has their phone number to call/texts if anything happens.
– follow up with dialysis for any issues or complications.
– Ensure basic information is documented in Medical records including lab results, weights, providers names and contacts, etc.

– Dialysis patients who are readmitted within 30 days
– Volume expects 10% OF TOTAL admitted dialysis patients.
– Rounding: MD allocated – 2: .1 FTE each
– Case management RN initial rounding and assessmen
– Case management analyst: follow up care, care coordination,
– Our goal is patient center and safety.
The IOM (now known as The National Academy of Medicines) is a legitimating institution in health and healthcare that sets expectations for how the field should conduct itself. In Don Berwick’s (2002) " User’s Manuel for the IOM’s Quality Chasm Report”, he called for revision and redesign in many areas of healthcare delivery and directed several of his core statements at the leadership level where change is most often implemented.
In light of Carla’s Story (Baum, 2014), how could change within and among healthcare be achieved to improve outcomes?
This assignment will be submitted as a mock grant proposal. The composition needs to be organized, structured, concise, and easy to follow. Consider the use of introductory paragraphs, topic and transition sentences, summary statements, cite references, avoid contractions, spell out numbers that start sentences, introduce acronyms where they first appear, define key concepts when you use and apply them, write in the active voice, use first or third person perspective as appropriate. Writing mechanics should reflect proper grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation. Proofread prior to submission.
By the end of this assignment, students will be able to:
1. articulate dynamics affecting healthcare quality, safety, and interprofessional dynamics,
2. utilize systems thinking for diagnosis the root causes of a problem,
3. connect macrosystem ideologies with actionable solutions that affect microsystems of providers and patients.
4. apply key concepts from the course,
5. conduct a critical analysis from a case study,
6. develop analytic and visual graphics,
7. create a quality improvement plan,
8. write a grant proposal,
9. work as an interprofessional team, and
10. synthesize content into a concise written document.

The Foundation believes that optimizing the healthcare ecosystems calls for revisioning and redesigning many areas of healthcare delivery. With this request for proposals (RFP), the Foundation is looking for innovative solutions for bolstering interprofessional teamwork to improve healthcare quality and safety in the United States.
The Foundation’s top priority is to fund quality improvement projects that:
• Address improvements in the healthcare system,
• Strive toward IOM Aims for Improvement (improving safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, timeliness, efficiency, or equity),
• Target interprofessional teamwork factors (relational, processual, organizational, contextual),
• Employ IOM Rules for Redesign (continuous healing, customized care, patient control, shared knowledge, evidence-based care, care system safety, transparency, anticipated needs, decreased waste, clinician cooperation),
• Demonstrate organizational learning.
• Applicants are invited to submit proposals for two-year projects.
• Grants will be awarded beginning July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025.
• Awards of up to $200,000 per project may be funded.
• Proposals due on Sunday, Week 10 at 11:59 PM Pacific Time. Late submissions will not be considered.
Mr Smith
Foundation Program Officer




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