Write a research paper. Structure a health policy analysis that addresses the following topics particular to your health problem.
(Teitelbaum text chapter 14).
• Problem Statement
• Background
• Landscape
• Options
• Recommendations


What is ONE healthcare issue that have been identified in your local community

Write the issue in a question format and maybe in one or two bullets or sentences – (Opioid Abuse in Baltimore city)

Your problem statement should be much narrow focused on ONE topic.

Remember: your goal for this assignment to prevent the issue by solving a health care issue in your local community. NOT to treat


As an FNP, Define the problem being addressed in the analysis,

As a family nurse practitioner working in an outpatient family practice, this is exactly what you will be doing, is you’ll be preventing the problem from occurring as opposed to having happened to treat them.

It also shows why the issue is important and must be addressed immediately.

This section is lays out the facts of your ONE problem. Oftentimes with statistics from reliable sources such as your State’s Health Department.


Who are involved in this health issue?

Affected population:

Identify key stakeholders (people who will help you prevent your issue)

There is no required number of stakeholders. Perhaps a politician or are your state’s legislature or and governors. A healthcare agency, pharmaceutical industry, health insurance industry, AARP and other elder rights groups, advocacy groups with sable, pharmacists lobby or on pharmaceutical companies and internet based


Now based upon the facts from the background and from the landscape, it is time to develop options for interventions.

The options that you will discuss are typically three to five,

Option One

Discuss the pros and cons in 4 bullets

Option Two

Discuss the pros and cons in 4 bullets

Option Three

Discuss the pros and cons in 4 bullets

Gives the client some choice of what to do about the health care problem.

In this case, a client may most likely will include many of the stakeholders that you’ve read page to 85 to look for possible options.

The bottom left might be for media, scholarly articles, interest group recommendations. Then take experts in the field, congressional testimony, legislation, whether it’s pastor pending and propose an agency report.


The options that you have, what is the best way to implement each?

Choose recommendations based upon the data you presented thus far.

Let’s take a look at page 286, box 14, dash one: you can see possible factors to include political factors, social factors, economic factors, legal factors, and practical factors.

Since you will be discussing a specific health care problem, for the purpose of this assignment, multiple recommendations may be chosen and discussed 2-3. Again, depending upon the healthcare issue, providing pros and cons lists may be appropriate, or perhaps a list of recommendations.


Summarize each section in one or two sentences.


On the last slide




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