The Situation:
You have been asked as a faculty member to evaluate our options for accreditation and make a recommendation as to the following:
Should your program be accredited by a national accrediting body?
What are the options for which accrediting body to choose?
Is state approval adequate? As usual, money is an issue, so you must make a strong argument for or against accreditation. You are asked to address the following
What are the benefits of accreditation?
Which of the options available will be the best fit for our program? Support your decision.
Our program is new and was designed to fit current state standards. How much of the data used in the process of obtaining state approval can be used with minor modifications in the Self-Study? What will be required in addition to the information required by the State?
What will be required within the department to prepare a Self-Study? Will you need additional resources from outside the department?
Writing an Executive Summary:
An executive summary is a section appearing at the beginning of a long document. It offers the reader a concise, accurate, and conclusive summary of the document. The following information will help you create an executive summary that follows APA format.
Arrange the summary in the same order as the long document, with the same major headings. Include sub-headings if the information under the sub-heading will provide necessary summary information for the reader. Generally, you can summarize an entire section without including sub-headings.
Summarize each section with up to five sentences, including the same details and conclusions as in the report. Most executive summaries are no longer than one page.
Do not include technical language or jargon. The language in the summary should be generic enough for any reader, and at a level appropriate for ease of understanding without further research.
If the long document includes problems and the consequences of those problems, include recommendations for resolution.
If recommendations for resolution are included, choose at least one and include reasons for choosing that resolution. If appropriate, mention one or two other resolutions and explain why they also would be good second choices.
Your first step is to write an executive summary to your department chair indicating your stance and support for your view. Your report will be included in the unit action plan which controls money at the college level. The department chair has asked to have the report by the end of Module 6, so the recommendations can be incorporated into the unit action plan. As this involves prioritization regarding the allocation of financial resources, it must come back to the entire faculty for a final decision as it may involve moving some other identified priority to a lower ranking for consideration for funding.
Prepare an executive summary that addresses this question: Why should the program seek or not seek accreditation? Be specific and explain the rationale.
Using the assumptions gleaned during your work on this program, whether it is written at the associate or bachelor’s degree level, describe the type of accreditation to be sought and the rationale for the selection related to this new program. This paper should be no more than 3 pages long, excluding the title page and a reference page. Please follow the outline below:
Title Page
Recommendation for Accreditation and Rationale
Identify the accreditation body that would be sought for accreditation of the program. Provide a brief rationale for why this accreditation body was selected.
Benefits of Accreditation
Identify and describe at least three benefits of achieving and maintaining program accreditation.
Identifies Modifications/information Needed for a Self-study
Identifies Additional Resources
Identify at least three potential program modifications or items of additional information related to the self-study needs provided by the accreditation body. Note: Examine the accreditation body website and look for the requirements for the self-study. You will identify and describe additional information that might be needed to complete a self-study on a new program.
Supporting Data
Describe the type of data that you used to support your choice for the accreditation body.
Conclusion or Summary
Provide a wrap-up of the nurse educator’s role in securing and maintaining accreditation.
Reference Page
Be sure to cite all references used and prepare a reference page that correlates with the in-text citations present in the paper. Please use the 7th Edition APA Format throughout the paper. Proofread for spelling, grammar issues, and clarity of communication.