Identify at least three (3) types of exploitation that prevalently occur over the Internet. Next, give your opinion of whether you believe that the current primary federal laws are efficient in combatting the types of Internet exploitation in question.

Discussion 1
“Internet Exploitation and Primary Federal Law” Please respond to the following:
From the e-Activity, select two (2) types of online traps that have the most adverse impact on children. Next, speculate on one (1) way not discussed in the article in which parents or society can protect children from online exploitation. Provide a rationale for your response.
Identify at least three (3) types of exploitation that prevalently occur over the Internet. Next, give your opinion of whether you believe that the current primary federal laws are efficient in combatting the types of Internet exploitation in question. Justify your response.

Please also reply to this fellow student
Sadera Simpson
RE: Week 6 Discussion

Hello Everyone,
The two type of online traps that have the most impact. Which are many, The two that I think are:
Social Network

Me being a parent and being into Social media, I don’t think it’s appropriate for a child to be on social media. So much is posted on these social networks. From sex to, drugs, just too much that can corrupt them. People talk about These Social Medias around the children, which makes them become more interested in it. In the E-activity it talked about talking with your child about what to post and what not to post. I wouldn’t advise parents to let them have it at all, not only are they expose to sex and drugs. But that’s where cyberbullying also occurs. Talking in schools, mentor programs about what can happened being on social media, you never hear about those types of things in school. The more you talk about the effect something has, it may can help or save a child.
The 3 different types of Internet exploitation
Sex trafficking
Child pornography
In my opinion I believe they try to do what they can. As time goes on these crimes are getting worse, more sex trafficking with children, child pornography. I also believe maybe more could be done, if there was a way in computer systems to catch someone right away when dealing with these types of crimes.
Discussion 2
Homicide and “Born Alive” Requirement” Please respond to the following:
From the e-Activity, give your opinion of Jack Kevorkian’s saying, “dying is not a crime,” and analyze the manner in which his actions rose to the level of homicide. Provide one (1) example of his actions that meet the elements of a homicide.
View the following video of a real assisted suicide on Swiss TV any ethical issue(s) you believe may arise from the video.
Review State v. Lamy, 969 A.2d 451 (N.H. 2009) and the born alive requirement that are discussed in Chapter 10 of the text, determine one (1) ethical issue that may arise from social debate as a result of the requirement in question. Next, speculate upon one (1) approach that the court could take in order to address the ethical issue in question. Justify your response.




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