Identify and describe a clinical issue that is relevant to contemporary nursing practice and the transitional nurse.

Integrated Nursing Practice


Assessment item 2 – Clinical observation and literature review

NMBA Competency: 2

Length: 1800 words +/- 10% excluding references
Task: This assessment item has 3 parts:

1. Students will identify and describe a clinical issue that is relevant to contemporary nursing practice and the transitional nurse. This issue is one that has been observable in their prior clinical practice.

2. Review and discuss current literature that relates to the chosen clinical issue.

3. Discuss the application to nursing practice and the impact of nursing leadership on the chosen clinical issue.

It is recommended that students use the following headings in their literature review
Relevance of clinical issue
The clinical issue must be clearly identified. Describe why this clinical issue is relevant to contemporary nursing practice and the transitional nurse.

Literature review
Review and discuss current literature that relates to the clinical issue. The discussion should include evidence of analysis of various viewpoints and/or research findings in relation to the clinical issue. Students are to use a minimum of 5 peer reviewed journal articles published since 2000.

Application to nursing practice

Discuss the application to nursing practice and the impact of nursing leadership on the chosen clinical issue.
Further Information:
Students need to demonstrate their ability to identify and describe clinical issues of concern, critically analyse the literature, select appropriate articles and prepare a critical analysis of the topic area. This will enable students to adopt and incorporate evidence based interventions in the future. In addition, students will be able to demonstrate their ability to write clearly and succinctly to reflect their understanding of the topic.
Accurate referencing using the ‘Harvard ’ style is expected – poor referencing will result in loss of marks.
Marks may be deducted if the assessment is not within the word limit

Assignment two – examples of clinical issues(JUST CHOOSE ANY ONE ISSUE)

• Promoting patient uptake and adherence in cardiac rehabilitation
• Patient handover
• Oxygen therapy in acute myocardial infarct
• Hand hygiene and hospital acquired infections
• Prevention of falls
• Prevention of pressure injuries / ulcers
• Interventions for the prevention of delirium
• Post-operative pain management
• Reducing medication errors
• Prevention of infection from central venous access devices
• Dementia related aggression in aged care
• Appropriate use of oxygen therapy for patients experiencing dyspnoea in palliative care setting




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