Identify risk factors related to the problems and any contributing and predisposing factors that increase the potential for having the problems.

This project is designed to help the student understand how major health concepts are applied within the discipline of nursing to meet health care needs of a population at risk (PAR) in the community. The project provides students the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to synthesize information about the interrelationships between public health science, nursing, health policy, and health care services.

The specific purpose of the project is to provide the student with opportunity to research a health need in a population at risk. It also allows the student, in the role as a community health nurse, to be an advocate. The project must be developed and implemented as part of the clinical experience and left with the community agency/population.

The written paper should be presented in the following organizational format:
Introduction, which clearly describes the PAR you have chosen (Increased risk of infection among adolescents in Hennepin County of Minnesota related to lack of knowledge regarding the disease, preventing from transmission disease, and high risk behaviors as demonstrated in increased incidence of sexually transmitted disease), why it is of interest to you and how you propose to conduct the community assessment. (5 points)

(1) Conduct a Community Assessment, including a windshield survey (10 points) of the census tract, city or county where the PAR resides. Utilize an assessment guideline as illustrated in class: Include relevant demographic and epidemiological data for the community by examining census data, vital statistics, morbidity, mortality, poverty and unemployment rates and other sources of health data.(13 points) Include references/APA format (2 points) ( total 25 points)

(2) Identify risk factors related to the problems and any contributing and predisposing
factors that increase the potential for having the problems. Contributing and
predisposing factors may include variables such as cultures, ethnicity, race,
developmental level and lifestyles. (10 points)

(3) Using the collected data, identify the priority community health problems and
Formulate one community diagnosis: Increased risk of infection among adolescents in Hennepin County of Minnesota related to lack of knowledge regarding the disease, preventing from transmission disease, and high risk behaviors as demonstrated in increased incidence of sexually transmitted disease.
( Must be in correct format to receive any points and easily identified) (10 points)

(4) Relevant Health Policy. Identify and discuss the relevance of the Healthy People 2020 objectives that address the problem in the PAR. ( 10 points)

(5) Describe the project that was developed and implemented during the clinical this semester and include the recommendations for evaluation and follow-up. The clinical was done in summer school. Worked closely with 9th grade girls.




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