In this assignment, you will continue to discuss your work with the client you presented in your Unit 5 Case Conceptualization paper.

Complete this assignment by addressing the following topics in four-part format.

Part 1: Interventions

List the three goals you formulated for this client and presented in your Unit 5 paper. (If your instructor provided feedback or comments about your goals on that assignment, you can include revised goals here.)

For each goal, list one specific counseling intervention you used during your work with this client to help him or her make progress towards that goal. Each intervention must be “evidence-based.” You will need to support your choice of intervention with reference to the current professional literature and research showing its effectiveness.

For each intervention you list, include the following:

· Discuss how you introduced this intervention into the counseling session, and how the client responded.

· Describe how the intervention is reflective of your specific theoretical approach, drawing from the key concepts and assumptions of that theory.

· Discuss your rationale for selecting the intervention, in terms of its appropriateness for your specific client and his or her presenting issues. Address all social-cultural issues that you considered when introducing this intervention into your work with the client.

· Include at least one reference to a current article in the professional literature that supports the use of the intervention as being effective with this type of client and/or presenting issues.

Part 2: Ethical and Legal Issues

Discuss any ethical or legal issues that emerged during your work with this client. (If no such issues arose, then discuss the types of ethical or legal issues that might emerge when working with this type of client and/or these presenting issues.)

Discuss the steps you took to address the ethical or legal issues. Refer to the specific standard from the ACA Code of Ethics that relates to any ethical issue that you describe. Include reference to specific laws or regulations that apply to these types of situations.

Part 3: Client Progress and Counseling Outcome

For each of the goals you developed, describe the ways in which the client demonstrated progress during the time you worked with him or her. Include specific changes that the client reported to you, changes that you observed during sessions, and/or information that you gathered from other sources (such as self-report measures or assessments or reports from third parties that you gathered with the client’s written consent).




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