“Are medical ethicists out of touch with the reality of managing health care and practicing medicine?”
healthcare policy and ethics.
Medical Ethicists In no less than one page and no more than two consider the following question: “Are medical ethicists out of touch with the reality of managing health care and practicing medicine?” Discuss the question and take a stance. Cite references. Example of possible situation: Hospitals directing some uninsured patients to other hospitals to stay in the black. Is, “I just can’t afford it”, enough of an ethical reason? TWO. Mission Statement Write a mission statement for each of the following types of health care service: A cancer center for children A cancer center for adults A cardiac service A mental hospital A general hospital What factors did you take into consideration for each service? Did you write the same mission statement for each service?Why or why not? What ethical concerns did you keep in mind for each mission statement THREE. Final Research Paper Topic choices: Your Research Paper will be due during the “finals” week of your term, Week 11. You should begin thinking about your topic choice during the second or third learning plan if not earlier. (Your instructor may open a discussion area during the last half of the class for you as you go through the steps to write your paper.) Your topic should be something that is of interest to you and perhaps one that you have had some personal experience with through either a current work environment or a past work environment. Perhaps you are struggling with a current issue or a past issue that could have been resolved in a different manner or have heard about an issue that is current in health care management. The topic must be approved by your instructor and must be related to the topics of this course – policies and ethics in healthcare management. To help you complete your paper, please follow the steps listed below.You may also wish to visit this website for help in formulating your research question and writing your paper: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/workshops/hypertext/ResearchW/thesis.html STEP ONE: Choosing a Topic You may choose your topic from course discussions, assignments, small papers or non-graded activities. An example of some possible topics: 1) Should healthcare be universal in the US? If so, should all members of society in the US receive healthcare regardless of their status? 2) Current and future policies concerning the choice of patients who will receive medical treatment such as organ transplantation 3) Issues of cultural differences in the medical environment 4) Profitability vs. patient care You may choose to do a paper on some other topic as long as it involves policies and ethics in the medical environment that is current and easily researched. Your paper must address the ethical principle or principles that enlighten decisions concerning policies in health care. For example, if you are discussing organ transplantation, then you must discuss the ethical principles involved and how they guide health care management policies.