A 46-year-old white male comes in for evaluation of his migraine headache management.
His medical history is inclusive for hypertension and a myocardial infarction at the age of 39. He was diagnosed with migraine headaches three years ago.
Current medications include Losartan 50 mg a day, verapamil SR 100 mg at bedtime, Carvedilol 25 mg a day, Lipitor 40 mg a day, Topamax 50mg a day
He has been admitted to the hospital for migraine management 3 times over the last 6 months. Inpatient admissions have ranged anywhere from 3 to 6 days. Management strategies utilized during the hospitalization include IV corticosteroids, IV Dilaudid and IV magnesium sulfate.
BP 132/84, P 82, R 15
Skin: pink, warm, dry
Neuro: alert and oriented, CNs II – XII intact
Cardio: radial and pedal pulses 2+, heart regular rate and rhythm without murmur or gallop
Lungs: clear to auscultation
Abdomen: large, non-distended, active bowel sounds all quadrants, non-tender to palpation

Utilize the information provided in the scenario to create your discussion post.

Construct your response as an abbreviated SOAP note (Subjective Objective Assessment Plan).

Structure your ‘P’ in the following format: [NOTE: if any of the 3 categories is not applicable to your plan please use the ‘heading’ and after the ‘:’ input N/A]

Therapeutics: pharmacologic interventions, if any – new or revisions to existing; include considerations for OTC agents (pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic/alternative); [optional – any other therapies in lieu of pharmacologic intervention]

Educational: health information clients need to address their presenting problem(s); health information in support of any of the ‘therapeutics’ identified above; information about follow-up care where appropriate; provision of anticipatory guidance and counseling during the context of the office visit

Consultation/Collaboration: if appropriate – collaborative ‘Advanced Care Planning’ with the patient/patient’s care giver; if appropriate -placing the patient in a Transitional Care Model for appropriate pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic care; if appropriate – consult with or referral to another provider while the patient is still in the office; Identification of any future referral you would consider making

Support the interventions outlined in your ‘P’ with scholarly resources.




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