Step I: Create Your Mind Map

Create a Mind Map, with the central topic of “My Professional Nursing Philosophy”.

The Mind Map can be created with software or on an 8 1/2 by 11 paper sheet.
Be as creative as you wish.
Include your Mind Map when you submit your assignment.
Step II: Select a Nursing Theory

Select a nursing theory which embodies some of the same concepts found in your Professional Nursing Philosophy or one which resonates with you.
May use theories from the required readings or from a nursing journal.
Step III: Analyze your Personal Philosophy

Use your Mind Map as a reference for your paper and describe your Professional Nursing Philosophy.
What are the central concepts identified in your Professional Nursing Philosophy?
Do the central concepts of your Professional Nursing Philosophy align with the metaparadigm of nursing theories? Explain differences and similarities.
Discuss how your selected nursing theory aligns with your Professional Nursing Philosophy and how the two relate to nursing practice. What resonates with you and why? The theory does not have to be an exact match to your Professional Nursing Philosophy.
Indicate how you can utilize your Professional Nursing Philosophy as a framework for your nursing career. Provide practical and realistic ways to apply your Philosophy to practice.
General Assignment Instructions:

Follow professional writing standards for grammar, spelling, and syntax
Paper must be in APA format, with citations and references.
Include literature support for selected theory.
Paper must be 3-5 pages, excluding title page, reference page, and appendix.
Download template for paper here MSN 600 Template for Module 3 Assignment revised 1-1-23SN.docx
When completed, please upload the Mind Map using one of the following options.
Include the Mind Map as an appendix. This would come after your reference page and not count towards your 3-5 pages. This could allow you to reference the appendix if needed within your writing. See pages 41-46 and 198 in the APA manual for instructions and visuals on the format of an appendix.

One tool to help students look for potential plagiarism is Turnitin. A Turnitin Similarity Score is required for the assignment.

a. Overall Turnitin Similarity Score should be less than 25%, excluding use of template title slide, headings, and references. The score of 25% is a guide to help you recognize similarity with other sources to prevent plagiarism.

b. The Turnitin feature is automatically turned on for Application of Selected Theory to Practice PowerPoint assignment submitted in Canvas.

c. You will only see the Turnitin similarity score after submitting your Module 3 assignment in Canvas. After you upload and submit in Canvas, a colored box should appear. You can click directly on the colored box to receive more information.

d. If you receive an overall Turnitin Similarity Score greater than 25%, you will need to revise to prevent plagiarism. Always paraphrase and cite from sources. Review NKU policy regarding plagiarism. *Plagiarized assignments will be given a grade of zero.

e. A clock-like symbol instead of a Turnitin score means the submission is still in progress. Sometimes the program takes a few minutes. Please do not immediately re-submit (i.e. rapid fire submissions…further slows transmission to Turnitin…) the assignment

f. If the file submitted is "too large", you will see a bolded exclamation-like symbol (!) instead of Turnitin score. You will need to decrease file size and re-submit the assignment.

g. You may revise and re-submit as many times as needed prior to the final due date.

h. More information about Turnitin is available under Module 0 Learning Tools and the Turnitin Highlights page under Student Resources.




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