Question One:
One of the tenets of ‘meaningful use’ is that the EHR has to be used to demonstrate improvement in patients and their care. This applies not only to each individual patient, but also to aggregate groups of patients.
Today, one of the healthcare journals published an article about a new plan developed by Medicare that will provide incentives to providers (read as ‘physician practices’) who use the new system.
Dickerson, V. (2016). Medicare will test population-health approach to stroke and heart disease risk. Retrieved from population-health-approach-to-stroke-and-heart
According to the article: "The new CMS Innovation Center model will use predictive modeling to generate personalized risk scores and develop specific plans in partnership with patients to reduce the risk of having a heart attack or stroke."
Read the article, then answer these questions:
Question, Part I:
A nurse practitioner (NP) – whose practice is confined to cardiac disease – is concerned about this new process. She called IT for help – they referred her to you.
What answers will you give him about:
Will there be a difference in care from the patients’ perspective?
How does ‘predictive modeling’ work? What does the NP have to do to make the predictions work?
Question Part II:
You’ve been asked to monitor the software being used for this study. You review it and find it’s a relational database – built using MS Access. The NP’s have given you a list of the reports they want. On your initial review, writing a basic report – pt. name, condition – looks pretty easy. But….these reports are more detailed…..they may not be so easy.
To create the following reports, what type of queries would you use?
what data elements would you include in the query?
Number of patients enrolled with NP Jones
Number of patients, grouped by NP, who have two or more risk factors (obesity, smoking, AF, prior MI)
List of patients who have expressed an interest in a support group for each condition.
Respond to the assigned question using the lessons and vocabulary found in the readings. Support your answers with examples and research. Your responses should clarify your understanding of the topic. They should be your own, original, and free from plagiarism. Follow the APA format for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources. Remember – use the South Library for your research.