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Post 1 Ch P
Nursing’s impact on healthcare access, quality, cost, and workforce.
The nurse has a complex role within the healthcare setting. Part of the expectation of nurses is to ensure quality care, equitable care, and cost-effective care. It is important that nurses follow the ANA’s Code of Ethics to guide their practice. By doing so, a nurse can ensure their care is effective and is quality driven. Additionally, it was found that during the COVID19 pandemic there was a decrease in quality of care directly associated with nurse’s moral sensitivity (Mahdi et al, 2023). While quality may decrease in critical situations, it is important that a nurse becomes familiar with moral issues that exist in their patient’s cases and responds to these appropriately.
A nurse has a unique role in providing equitable care to all individuals. While seemingly challenging, integration of social justice into health care is a critical component needed to improve population health (Wakefield et al, 2021). One approach to providing quality care for all individuals is with the application of the Emancipatory Nursing Praxis, a theory introduced by Robin Walter in 2017. This theory focuses on developing RNs that are advocates for social justice through analysis of one’s own perceptions and involvement in social inequities, engaging in social justice, and transforming one’s own practice to incorporate social justice (Walter, 2017). With this application and adoption of social justice into health practice, nurses can ensure they are providing equitable care.
To provide cost effective care, the nurse should evaluate their role in the healthcare field. One study found that one of the least cost-effective nursing practices was utilizing their time in activities that could be delegated (Yep et al, 2018). An additional component to cost effective nursing is the prevention of burnout as this contributes to higher costs. With proper use of techniques and tools to prevent burnout in the nursing field, including the Cultural Change toolkit introduced in 2019, nurses can feel more appreciated, less stressed, and more supported and therefore reduce the chances of leaving the field (Adams et al, 2019).
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Post 2. Sh H.
Global Perspective related to the pandemic and healthcare policy:
It has been about three years since the first case of Covid 19 was reported, and the government remains at the forefront of how we respond to a crisis such as virus transmission through global policy. In a crisis that claimed millions of lives and took a toll on the economy and the livelihoods of its citizens, now seemingly settled into the background of our lives, shifting from an unprecedented crisis to a routine threat alongside influenza and other viruses, a time of reflection is necessary. We must ask ourselves what we learned. Were we prepared and was the overall consensus positive?
The pandemic uncovered weaknesses in the healthcare systems across the world, spotlighting the importance of preparedness, resource availability, and allocation as well as our ability to keep up with an alarming number of patients that overwhelmed many healthcare institutions. In addition to various challenges encountered in addressing the virus outbreak, it became evident that numerous healthcare institutions were not adequately equipped or ready to handle the surge in patient numbers as well as supply chain inadequacies that complicated all aspects of care (Davis, et al., 2022). Furthermore, they lacked sufficient medical and epidemiological training to effectively manage patient care (Filip, et al., 2022). This has shown healthcare policymakers the need to reevaluate and strengthen pandemic preparedness plans, including the need for more abundant resources, and the buildup of healthcare workforce preparedness. Furthermore, we have learned a valuable lesson regarding mental health needs during the pandemic. The mental health toll was greater than expected and has become a global concern and must be addressed for future pandemics and times of crisis. (Kuriala, 2021).
In reflection, the pandemic helped to highlight weaknesses in the healthcare system and the importance of preparedness strategy, building reinforcements, and a resilient healthcare system as well as the importance of international collaboration and the crucial need for further research and development of new strategies from learned experience. The lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic are expected to shape healthcare policies and practices for years to come.
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