-Submit as a Word document, setting your font at New Times Roman, your font size as 12 pitch.
-Include a title page that is APA formatted.
-Paginate your document in the upper right-hand corner.
-Include Level 1 headings throughout your paper. Start with Overview, Background, Introduction. When you change topics in your paper, that is when you need to create a new Level 1 heading.
-Last Level 1 heading should be Conclusion or Summary.
-Reference page is to be a separate page, with the heading References: even if there is only 1 reference that is cited. Alphabetize your reference list, and make sure it is set up as a hanging indent.
Part I:
Review the American Nurses Association Nursing Scope & Standards of Practice (link is provided in messages). Were you aware that this document existed? If so, how? What is the purpose of this document? Identify some items that were new to you.
Part II:
Are there any scope and standards resources that are specific to your area of practice (e.g. school nurse, correctional nurse, nurse administrator, etc.). Were you aware of these resources? How will you use this information in professional practice? Relate a story that supports this view.
Part III:
Next, review your specific State Registered Nurse Practice Act
(South Carolina) which is located on your State Board of Nursing’s (SBON) website. An overview of what encompasses a State Board of Nursing, as well as the duties of the State Board of Nursing and the actual links to the State Board of Nursing can be found on the National Council of the State Boards of Nursing website NCSBN Links to an external site.. Compare and contrast both your SBON’s document and the ANA document. Are there any similarities? Differences? How will you utilize both documents in your practice? Be specific in your plan.
This citation is going to really vary based upon the State where the nurse practice act originates(South Carolina). For the purposes of the class, treat this citation as an online citation. Faculty need to see that you were able to locate your nurse practice act. Please make sure to cite the exact URL address where you located the information you cited. For example, an in-text citation would look something like this: (State of New Jersey, Division of Consumer Affairs, n.d.). Reference page citation would look something like this: State of New Jersey, Division of Consumer Affairs (n.d.). New Jersey Statutes Annotated, Title 45. Chapter 11, New Jersey Board of Nursing Statutes. http://caring4you.net/laws1.html.