Outline the links between the aetiology, cellular pathology and the pathophysiology of the diagnosed disease.For this task you need to create a single (1) slide (using PowerPoint) colour coded concept map and 750

The aim of this case-based assignment is to allow you to demonstrate your clinical reasoning skills, your capacity to
differentiate normal from abnormal presentation and to identify appropriate (evidence-based) investigations and
treatment modalities associated with the assigned case-study, which are skills that are crucial to safe and effective
nursing practice.
Individual, Written Assignment, concept map
Total Marks: 100
Task description:
 For this task you need to create a single (1) slide (using PowerPoint) colour coded concept map and 750
word explanation, demonstrating analysis of the case study scenario emailed to you in week 1. A
PowerPoint template file will be made available for you to customise based on your assigned case scenario.
 In your concept map you must:
1) Interpret the patient’s risk factors (from the case-study scenario) and determine how these risk factors
relate to the diagnosed disease/disorder;
2) Outline the links between the aetiology, cellular pathology and the pathophysiology of the diagnosed
3) Describe how the pathophysiology of the disease/disorder accounts for the patient’s clinical manifestations
(described in the case-study scenario); and
4) Analyse and interpret evidence-based research to suggest appropriate diagnostic assessments and
treatment modalities for the patient’s diagnosis.
 In your 750 word written explanation you must:
1) Explain the links between the patient’s risk factors and aetiology to account for the disease’s/disorder’s
2) Describe how the disease’s/disorder’s pathophysiology manifests through the patient’s signs and
3) Justify your suggested diagnostic tests and treatment modalities listed in the concept map on their
relevance and appropriateness for the diagnosed disease/disorder.
Due Date:
Submission via Turnitin within the course Learning@Griffith site by Monday week 6, 16th April 2018, 5pm.
Other elements:
 The concept map (colour coded) should be a maximum of 1 PowerPoint slide in length and the 750 words
written explanation (excluding reference list) should follow on the next slide/s;
 You will be presented with a case study scenario electronically (via email) by Friday 2nd March (week 1);
 Use APA 6th edition for in-text referencing and in the reference list;
 Reference list should be on a separate slide/s following the 750 word written explanation;
 Ensure that the majority of your references have been published within the last 10 years;
 Marking, moderation, and student feedback will be provided electronically based on a marking criteria that is
in accordance with University assessment policy;
 5% late penalties apply for each working day after submission date/time;
 Always refer to the marking criteria as this will assist you to determine the depth of response for each section;
 No coversheet is required; instead complete the eAssignment Cover Sheet Quiz before submitting your
Refer to the Health Writing and Referencing guide for more information (click here)
2804NRS: Individual, Written Assignment, Concept Map Marking Criteria
Content Possible
Brief comments
Presentation, written communication
 Concept map and written explanation has a logical
 Uses academic language throughout.
 Completed eAssignment Cover Sheet Quiz before
submitting assignment.
 Concept map is appropriately colour coded with a
respective key.
 Correct word count (1 PowerPoint slide for concept
map & no more than 750 words for explanation).




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