Portion of the Health Promotion Project Custom Paper


The following is the template to be used for the Article Review (Part 2, Step 1) portion of the Health Promotion Project.

Primary/Secondary Research Study -OR- Integrative Review
1. A primary or secondary research study is one that reports on data and findings from ONLY ONE study. A primary study is based on the initial aims of the research. A secondary study is one that uses research data from a previous study to answer new study aims or purposes. Primary and secondary studies can be laboratory experiments, clinical trials, case-control studies, cohort studies, survey research, methodological studies, or evaluation research. Students DO NOT have to identify if it is a primary or secondary study.
2. An integrative study is one that summarizes or draws conclusions from MORE THAN ONE primary/secondary study. These studies are often called meta-analyses, systematic reviews, or research syntheses.
Please do not use other types of journal articles, including consensus statements, case studies, clinical protocols, editorials, and letters to the editor. If you are unsure about whether or not your article is acceptable, please email it to the course coordinator for confirmation.
PURPOSE: (12 points)
Three criteria: (1) background information; (2) study purpose; (3) population under study
In one paragraph, describe the purpose(s) or aim(s) of the study and the population under study. Also include a brief description of the relevant background information (author’s introduction section and/or review of literature).
FINDINGS: (12 points)
Three criteria: (1) major findings; (2) study limitations; (3) clinical implications
In one paragraph, describe the major findings of the study. Also include a description of the study limitations and the author’s stated clinical implications.
PRACTICE: (12 points)
Three criteria: (1) implementation; (2) benefit; (3) evaluation
In one paragraph, describe how a nurse might implement the findings into clinical practice and what benefit it may have for the population of concern. Also provide an explanation on how the nurse would evaluate the effectiveness of implementation.
The following is a sample paper
Health Assessment & Promotion
Health Promotion/Disease Prevention/Wellness Project Article Review Example
Fazeli , P. L., Marceaux, J. C., Vance, D. E., Slater, L., & Long, C. A. (2011). Predictors of cognition in adults with HIV: Implications for nursing practice and research. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 43(1), 36-50. doi:10.1097/JNN.0b013e3182029790
Primary/Secondary Research Study
People with HIV are living longer due to advances in antiretroviral treatment. However, due to the effects of HIV disease, HIV-positive individuals are experiencing declines in cognitive function at early ages than HIV-uninfected individuals. The purpose of the study was to determine possible predictors of cognitive performance in adults living with HIV. Ninety-eight adults, aged 24 to 67, participated in the study. Of the sample, 71% were men and 69% were African-American. Cognitive performance was measured in five areas: speed of processing, psychomotor ability, attention and working memory, reasoning, and executive function. General predictors that were examined included age, gender, socioeconomic status, reading ability, social networks, hardiness, mood disturbance, medical problems, psychoactive drug use. HIV-related predictors included HIV chronicity (years living with HIV), CD4 cell count, and HIV medication usage.
Among the sample of 98 HIV-positive adults, the most consistent predictors of poorer cognition among people living with HIV were older age (speed of processing, psychomotor ability, reasoning, and executive function), poor reading ability (speed of processing, attention and working memory, and executive function), depressed mood (speed of processing, psychomotor speed, and reasoning), low CD4 count (reasoning and executive functioning), and lack of HIV medication usage (psychomotor speed and reasoning). Limitations of the study included: (1) self-report of CD4 cell count and psychoactive drug use that may have resulted in self-reporting bias; (2) restricted age range of the sample; and (3) no inclusion of a medication adherence measure. According to the authors, nurses are the key to recognizing cognitive changes in patients with HIV due to their close proximity to patients. They can then act promptly to help stabilize and improve cognitive functioning through educating about medication adherence, promoting general health and well-being, and providing activities that promote new learning.
Adults living with HIV may experience cognitive decline at earlier ages than adults that are not HIV infected. As such, it is imperative that nurses assess cognitive function and look for cognitive changes in patients living with HIV. In addition, the nurse can intervene in several ways that may help maintain and or improve cognitive function in adults living with HIV. First, as lack of HIV medication usage was related to lower cognitive function, the nurse can work with the patient to promote adherence to antiretroviral medication usage. Effectiveness of medication adherence can be determined through laboratory results, as effective medication usage will lead to increased CD4 cell count and lowered (to hopefully undetectable) viral load. The second is to promote general psychological well-being as depressed mood also affected cognitive function. This can be done through appropriate therapy referrals, support groups, and, if needed, pharmacotherapy for depression treatment. Computerized cognitive tests, such as those used in the study, can be used to assess cognition and changes in cognition due to implementation of such therapies.
The following is my topic that I need to get the research paper for;
I would like to base my research on the elderly population diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I would like to research the impact of insulin with regards to glucagon in regulating and controlling blood sugar levels





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