Prepare a strategy memo (2 pages) that describes the avenues you would use to influence decisions on your policy issue. Approach this assignment like you were writing an internal memo or document to a board or advisory group, advising them on how to influence change politically. The information in this memo would not be like what you would put in a policy brief for the public, but rather would inform an internal strategy of change around your policy topic.
Include the following components: Be specific!
• Who are “you” representing, and who is the audience for the memo?
• What is the problem with the current policy, and what specific change are you trying to make? (i.e. pass new laws, change regulation, allocate funding, study impact if unknown, etc)
• Who are the allies for the proposed change efforts, and why would these allies partner with you? Any potential conflicts?
• What are the sources of funding available to facilitate the strategy to influence change? (i.e. lobbying money, public relations dollars, research funding etc)
• Would this strategy best be operationalized internal to an organization, through existing channels of influence, or external in the social and public media?
• What outcome would represent a successful effort?
Justify your proposal based on your assessment to date of the level of various stakeholder influence and power. Using the analytic rubric presented below, think through what specific type of power (expert, positional or reward) will be necessary to successfully influence policy makers to adopt the change you are proposing, and at what stage of the policy making process this power needs to be deployed (Problem identification –> Operation). Please ensure that the reader ( PEERS AND INSTRUCTORS) has all the information needed to follow this document and understand the issues, strategy and rationale. Do not assume the reader will remember what your topic is or what you’ve written before.
Problem Definition Solution Identification Political Circumstance Legislation Development Rule-Making Operation
Positional Power a b c d e f
Reward/Coercive Power g h i j k l
Expert Power m n o p q r




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