professional language Essay

CONCEPT PAPER: 25 points (8 to 10 pages): Each student will select a nursing concept that is relevant to their area of interest. The concept should be one that the student foresees to be useful for their clinical specialty. These concept papers will likely provide the basis for work done in your research class and in your research utilization/project/thesis class. Criteria for evaluation: Please note: The items in bold are the headings for this paper. Use of appropriate reference sources when describing the concept.

(5%) o Select at least one recent textbook that focuses on the concept. o Select at least three recent nursing articles that relate to the concept from a nursing perspective. o Include other resources, as needed, to define the concept; i.e. dictionary, encyclopedias, articles/books outside of nursing. An introduction is provided wherein the concept is clearly identified. (5%) Surrogate names for concept (10%).

o Identify any surrogate names used for this concept in the literature. o In what context are these surrogate names uses? o What, if any, are the differences in how the surrogate names are defined? Description of the concept (15%) o Identify all typical defining features, qualities, or characteristics you find associated with the concept. Consider physical, psychosocial, values, etc. o Determine which of the defining characteristics are most essential to the meaning exemplified by your potential thesis/project/scholarly activity. Definition of the concept (10%) o Based on the above information, select or develop a definition that includes all the characteristics of the concept you are most interested in or that most pertains to your future practice. Must provide a one to two sentence definition for the concept and clearly state: The _____ (concept name) has been defined as ________.

This should be the last sentence in your paragraph before doing the three cases. Cases are clear and demonstrate understanding of the concept (and understanding of the three types of case). (3 cases x 10 = 30%) o Based on this definition, create a model case an example of the concept that includes all of the properties (This is absolutely . . .). o Create a contrary case an example that does not include any of the properties of the concept (This is definitely not . . . ). o Create a borderline case an example that includes some but not all of the properties of the concept (This is similar but not exactly . . .).

A conclusion is provided connecting the defined concept with its importance to nursing. (5%) Communication of thoughts: (10%) o Thoughts are well organized and demonstrate graduate level depth of thinking. o Thoughts are clearly communicated using professional language and writing style (terminology, grammar, spelling). Formatting: (10%) o The paper is formatted using APA (6th edition) format in terms of headers, running heads, citations, captions, quotations, etc. o The reference list is properly formatted using APA (6th edition) format.




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