Communication Portfolio – Business E-Mail
Xavier Stilson
MBA, Walden University
WMBA 6115: Communication for Leaders and Managers
Dr. Pettis Perry
August , 2021
Communication Portfolio – Business E-Mail
To: Bob Frost
Subject: Tips, Tools, and Resources for our International Meeting
Dear Mr. Frost,
I appreciate your time and confidence in advising how to create cultural diversity and leadership best as we integrate Anthony’s Orchard into a global organization. Lepsinger (2012) stated, “… the lack of face-to-face contact makes it more difficult to build personal relationships and establish trust”. As we move to a virtual and international platform, we will encounter complications as we lose the face-to-face interactions, in combination with cultural differences with our customers and employees. We can mitigate these issues by utilizing Zoom, Skype, or Google Meetings that enable visual and audio interactions between the teams with modern technological advances while incorporating and promoting the importance of cultural diversity at Anthony’s Orchard.
Not only will we need to navigate through national virtual avenues, but we also need to consider the cultural dynamics that arise when we leave the United States. Cultural diversity occurs within the United States, creating barriers due to different upbringing, religious preferences, cultural differences, and political stances. First, we must put aside all outside opinions while respecting others and find our common goal within the organization.
Anthony’s Orchard, as you know, has two main goals. First, our mission statement states: “Our mission is to continually enhance consumers’ awareness of apples and apple orchards” (Laureate Education, 2015). And second, our vision statement states: “Our vision is to provide the best apple products and services to our customers and generate returns for our stakeholders, while enhancing the well-being of our community” (Laureate Education, 2015). Using these two main goals to emphasize where everyone can have a common objective, we can fight for the leading cause of our organization.
Diversity, however, is an essential part of a growing and expanding business that promotes new ideas and a broader spectrum of intellectual individuals. Schindler, MCC (2019) states, “Diverse employees can bring together their different talents, experiences and various skill sets to come up with creative and inventive solutions, whereas another group made up of people with similar backgrounds and skill sets may decide to solve a dilemma in the same way they always have”. Different people of different backgrounds have a variety of knowledge and education to bring to an expanding team. Having a team with no diversity in thoughts and processes seems to halt anything moving forward by the rigidity of their ideas and beliefs. Having a variety of exceptional thinkers allows us to advance in our organization.
Cultural diversity across seas and nations is a crucial piece of ensuring we are targeting the correct clientele. Working for an international and multi-million dollar organization, Lifetime Products Inc., I was able to see the importance of utilizing native organizations to promote international trade. While stationed in the United States, we were unaware of most of the major marketing trends and customer outreach in other nations. While we could invest in a potential office or team from our company to relocate to these countries using resources, groups, and organizations that have already built there can capitalize on ample opportunities for international growth. These organizations understand the ins and outs of marketing and outreach to potential customers and consumers. We can provide additional resources we have and our product to build relationships with these companies.
Justice Sandra Day O’Connor (n.d.) once said, “The really expert riders of horses le the horse know immediately who is in control, but then guide the horse with loose reins and seldom use the spurs.” As an organization, we need to understand when to lead and when to step back. We should develop an international team that spearheads the communication and direction of global business within the company and let them go—giving this team guidance to do the same with our international associates. We are not as equipped for the job as the international teams may be. Open and direct communication can be the most vital tools to improve and increase our global affairs.
Coaching and developing our new international team with web cameras and microphones can help us bridge the virtual gap. Our teams need to understand that “… [an] important characteristic of building an open and supportive communication climate is that the overall or macro communication climate is only as strong as the multiple workgroup or micro communicating workgroups that comprise it” (Robertson, 2005). We can only achieve this through face-to-face interactions. The investment of a virtual meeting service, such as Skype, Zoom, or Google Meetings, will allow the visual and audio of micro-expressions and non-verbal cues. Lepsinger (2012) even suggests to “Meet face-to-face at least once early on in the team’s formation to build relationships and learn about team members’ capabilities”. Upon this early development stage, trust and interpersonal skills need to develop so Anthony’s Orchard can adapt, modify, and grow on the global market.
If we cannot provide in-person interactions between the teams, setting up additional, small, social meetings for groups and individuals to interact outside of these projects can also help build these trusting relationships. Get-to-know-you activities and discussing cultural differences may help increase this trust and understanding. If and when conflict arises, resolutions and restitutions will resolve quickly and effectively within the teams.
I appreciate your openness to my suggestions of how we can best formulate meetings for our international teams. If you have any additional requests, questions, or concerns, please let me know.
Xavier D Stilson
Laureate Education (Producer). (2015). Sample corporate website: Anthony’s Orchard. Retrieved from https://mym.cdn.laureate-
Lepsinger, R. (2012). The virtual challenge: It’s more than cultural differences.
People and Strategy, 35
(1), 10-11.
O’Connor, S. (n.d.).
29 quotes to help you Delegate #likeaboss
. ResourcefulManager.
Robertson, E. (2005). Placing leaders at the heart of organizational communication.
Strategic Communication Management, 9
(5), 34-37.
Schindler, J. (2019).
Council post: The benefits of cultural diversity in the workplace
. Forbes.