NR328 Pediatric Nursing
RUA: Ethical Dilemma Assignment Guidelines
NR328 Ethical Dilemma Guidelines V6.docx Revised: 3/2020
For this assignment, you will examine an ethical dilemma that exists in pediatric settings with a group of your peers. You
will examine the ethical dilemma from two opposing positions and consider ethical principles, conflict between the
principles and the relationship of the ANA Code of Ethics in relation to both positions. You will also discuss potential
resources, possible outcomes of both positions and develop a plan for resolving the issue (for patient, family and the
nurse). Your team will then present this information in class with a poster grounded in scholarly sources. You will also
submit individual speaker notes describing your assigned part and reflection on your values.
Course outcomes: This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
1. Provides individualized comprehensive care for children and their families with multiple health problems in
institutions and community care settings from birth through adolescence. (PO 1)
4. Utilizes critical thinking skills in clinical decision making in the care of pediatric clients. (PO 4)
6. Utilizes legal, ethical, and professional standards and principles, including those related to child abuse recognition
and intervention, as a basis for pediatric clinical decision‐making. (PO 6)
8. Utilize research findings as a basis for nursing interventions in pediatric healthcare settings and the development of
professional nursing papers. (PO 8)
Due date: Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this
Total points possible: 100 points
Preparing the assignment
Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Speak with your faculty member if you have questions.
1) An ethical dilemma with opposing positions will be assigned by your instructor.
2) A template for the poster will be made available.
3) Although you may not agree with one of the positions, reflect on your views, respect other perspectives, and
examine scholarly literature on both positions.
4) Form a group of 5‐6 students.
5) Each student is responsible for an assigned part:
a. Team Leader
• Prepares and submits the poster on behalf of the group. The poster must clearly indicate the specific part
that each team member completed. Describes statistical significance to pediatric nursing grounded in
scholarly literature. Collates utilized references and summarizes key points.
b. Description of the dilemma
• Performs preliminary research on the assigned ethical dilemma and describes the dilemma. Clearly
identifies both positions grounded in scholarly literature. Disseminates information found to all group
c. Ethical Principles and ANA Code of Ethics Provisions (2)
• Determines the ethical principles that apply to each position, possible conflicts in principles, and
components of the ANA Code of Ethics that apply using three (3) Provisions. Disseminates information
found to all group members. Supports ideas with scholarly literature.
d. Resources to resolve the dilemma
• Describes resources to resolve the dilemma and describes how each resource could help to resolve the
dilemma. Supports ideas with scholarly literature.
e. Possible outcomes and plan for resolving the issue
• Discusses possible outcomes of both positions. Presents a plan for resolving the issue (for patient, family
and the nurse). Supports ideas with scholarly literature.
6) Each team member will provide their part of the poster to the team leader including citations and references.
NR328 Pediatric Nursing
RUA: Ethical Dilemma Assignment Guidelines
NR328 Ethical Dilemma Guidelines V6.docx Revised: 3/2020
7) Each team member will complete and submit speaker notes of their assigned part and a reflection of own values
and morals as it relates to the ethical dilemma. The title page must clearly indicate the specific part that the team
member completed. Can be bullet points, listed, or written out.
8) Practice as a group how you will present this issue. Make notes for your reference during the presentation and be
prepared to discuss your scholarly literature.
9) Each team member will present their assigned part of the poster to the class. The presentation will last no more
than 15 minutes.
10) Use this link to take you directly to the ANA website to access the Code of Ethics. When prompted, choose “No I do
not wish to register at this time. Take me to the Code now.”‐
11) For APA, formatting, or grammar assistance visit the APA Citation and Writing page in the online library.
12) Include the following sections (detailed criteria listed below and in the Grading Rubric):
a. Professionalism ‐5 points/5%
• Team members are professionally dressed.
• Team is introduced and assigned roles are identified prior to starting the presentation.
• Full group participation.
• Respectful and professional language is used throughout the presentation.
• Adhere to the time limit of 15 minutes.
b. Team Presentation ‐50 points/50%
• Description of the dilemma is clear and includes statistical significance to Pediatric nursing.
• Both positions of the dilemma are presented crediting supporting scholarly sources.
• Appropriate ethical principle(s) to support each position are used.
• Consideration of which, if any, ethical principles are in conflict with the opposing positions.
• Three (3) provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics that apply to the ethical dilemma are used.
• Present all pertinent resources available to resolve the dilemma.
• Explain how resources could help in resolving the dilemma.
• Discuss possible outcomes of each position.
• Present a plan for resolving the issue.
c. Team Poster ‐ 15 points/15%
• Full names of all team members included and team member initials are present in the assigned sections.
• Content is presented clearly and scholarly.
• Citations included for each section.
• Poster includes sections for:
o Title
o Dilemma description
o Statistical significance
o Ethical principles
o Applicable ANA Code of Ethics Provisions
o Resources to resolve dilemma
o Potential outcomes of the dilemma
o Plan for resolving the dilemma
o Key Points
o References
d. Speaker Notes and Reflection‐ 20 points/20%
• APA Title page with assigned individual part identified.
• Ideas presented clearly.
• APA citations throughout.
NR328 Pediatric Nursing
RUA: Ethical Dilemma Assignment Guidelines
NR328 Ethical Dilemma Guidelines V6.docx Revised: 3/2020
• At least two (2) nursing, peer reviewed, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the textbook
used to support work.
• APA reference page.
• Reflection of own values and morals.
e. Poster APA Style and Organization – 10 points/10%
• References are submitted with assignment.
• Uses current APA format and is free of errors.
• Grammar and mechanics are free of errors.
• At least three (3) scholarly, nursing, peer reviewed, primary sources from the last 5 years, excluding the
textbook, are provided
• One (1) scholarly source must be the ANA Code of Ethics Provisions and each position must be supported
by a scholarly source.
NR328 Pediatric Nursing
RUA: Ethical Dilemma Assignment Guidelines
NR328 Ethical Dilemma Guidelines V6.docx
Revised: 3/2020
Grading Rubric
Criteria are met when the student’s application of knowledge demonstrates achievement of the outcomes for this assignment.
Assignment Section and Required
(Points possible/% of total points available)
Highest Level
High Level of
Level of
ry Level of
(5 points/5%)
5 points 4 points 3 points 2 points 0 points
Required criteria
1. Team members are professionally dressed.
2. Team is introduced and assigned roles are identified prior
to starting the presentation.
3. Full group participation.
4. Respectful and professional language is used throughout
the presentation.
5. Adhere to the time limit of 15 minutes.
Includes no fewer
than 5
requirements for
Includes no fewer
than 4
requirements for
Includes no less
than 3 requirement
for section.
Includes no
less than 2
for section.
Includes 1 or no
for section.
Team Presentation
(50 points/50%)
50 points 40 points 30 points 20 points 0 points
Required criteria
1. Description of the dilemma is clear and includes statistical
significance to Pediatric nursing.
2. Both positions of the dilemma are presented crediting
supporting scholarly sources.
3. Appropriate ethical principle(s) to support each position
are used.
4. Consideration of which, if any, ethical principles are in
conflict with the opposing positions.
5. Three (3) provisions of the ANA Code of Ethics that apply to
the ethical dilemma are used.
6. Present all pertinent resources available to resolve the
7. Explain how resources could help in resolving the dilemma.
8. Discuss possible outcomes of each position.
9. Present a plan for resolving the issue.
Includes no fewer
than 9
requirements for
Includes no fewer
than 8
requirements for
Includes no fewer
than 7 requirements
for section.
Includes no
fewer than 6
requirements for
Includes 5 or
for section.
NR328 Pediatric Nursing
RUA: Ethical Dilemma Assignment Guidelines
NR328 Ethical Dilemma Guidelines V6.docx
Revised: 3/2020
Team Poster
(15 points/15%)
15 points 10 points 7 points 5 points 0 points
Required criteria
1. Full names of all team members included and team
member initials are present in the assigned sections.
2. Content is presented clearly and scholarly.
3. Citations included for each section.
4. Poster includes sections for title, dilemma description,
Statistical significance, Ethical principles, Applicable
ANA Code of Ethics Provisions, Resources to resolve
dilemma, Potential outcomes of the dilemma, Plan for
resolving the dilemma, Key Points, and References.
Includes no fewer
than 4
requirements for
Includes no fewer
than 3
requirements for
Includes no fewer
than 2 requirements
for section.
Includes no less
than 1
requirements for
for this section
Speaker Notes and Reflection
(20 points/20%)
20 points 15 points 10 points 5 points 0 points
Required criteria
1. Title page with assigned individual part identified.
2. Citations throughout.
3. Ideas presented clearly.
4. At least two (2) sources used to support work.
5. Reference page.
6. Reflection of own values and morals.
Includes no fewer
than 6
requirements for
Includes no fewer
than 5
requirements for
Includes no fewer
than 4 requirements
for section.
Includes no fewer
than 3
requirements for
Includes 2 or
for section.
Poster APA Style and Organization
(10 points/10%)
10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points 0 points
1. References are submitted with assignment.
2. Uses current APA format and is free of errors.
3. Grammar and mechanics are free of errors.
4. At least three (3) scholarly, peer reviewed, primary
sources from the last 5 years, excluding the textbook,
are provided
5. One (1) scholarly source must be the ANA Code of Ethics
and each position must be supported by a scholarly
Includes no fewer
than 5
requirements for
Includes no fewer
than 4
requirements for
Includes no fewer
than 3 requirements
for section.
Includes 1‐2
requirements for
for this section
Total Points Possible = 100
- Purpose
- Preparing the assignment