Chapter4 about the results – which was that your proposal was considered and accepted by the Senate. Also, you will need to create a table of contents with your final document.

Step 1: The bill is drafted
Any member of Senate – either from the Senate or the House – who has an idea for a law can draft a bill. These ideas come from the senator themselves or from everyday citizens and advocacy groups. The primary Senator supporting the bill is called the "sponsor". The other members who support the bill are called "co-sponsors".

Step 2: The bill is introduced
Once the bill is drafted, it must be introduced. Senator is the sponsor, the bill is introduced in the Senate.

Step 3: The bill goes to committee Health Commission When a bill is in the hands of the commission, it is carefully examined and its chances of passage by the entire State Lesgilation are determined. The commission may even choose to hold hearings to better understand the implications of the bill. Hearings allow the views of the executive branch, experts, other public officials and supporters, and opponents of the legislation to be put on the record.

Step 4: Commission mark up of the bill
When the hearings review are completed, the committee will meet to "mark up" the bill. They make changes and amendments prior to recommending the bill to the "floor". the commission voter in favor of the bill, it is reported to the floor. This procedure is called "ordering a bill reported".

Step 5: Voting by the full chamber on the bill
Once the bill reaches the floor, there is additional debate and members of the full chamber vote to approve any amendments. The bill is then passed or defeated by the members voting. The bill was approved byt the seantor.

Step 6: Referral of the bill to the other chamber
When Senate passes a bill, it is referred to the other chamber, where it usually follows the same route through commission and finally to the floor.




Please include quotes to support your themes in Chapter 4

Idania Rodríguez Ayuso, a health specialist at the Puerto Rico Institute of Statistics (IEPR), told the health commission of the Puerto Rico Senate on January 22, 2022, that the lack of more epidemiological studies that reveal new data on how this part of the population lives is due to its cost. "It is not for lack of interest that epidemiological studies are not carried out, but rather that several factors come together, such as the lack of resources, personnel and the difficulty of identifying people with this condition," Rodríguez pointed out.

The specialist noted that it is necessary to make a single record of the deaf and hard of hearing population

Idania Rodríguez Ayuso, a health specialist at the Puerto Rico Institute of Statistics (IEPR), told the health commission of the Puerto Rico Senate on January 22, 2022, that the lack of more epidemiological studies that reveal new data on how this part of the population lives is due to its cost. "It is not for lack of interest that epidemiological studies are not carried out, but rather that several factors come together, such as the lack of resources, personnel and the difficulty of identifying people with this condition," Rodríguez pointed out.

The specialist noted that it is necessary to make a single record of the deaf and hard of hearing population

According to Jose Bertrán, when asked by the Senators, there is a lack of sign language interpreters for medical services on the island, despite the fact that the law requires hospitals and all agencies that receive federal funds to do so.

Dr. Miguel Irizzary, when asked about the topic, Include in university academic training, basic knowledge about
communication skills with patients with sensory disabilities. This is
the first step to follow to reduce the difficulties presented by people with
The training should include knowledge about the traits
characteristics of the people who suffer from each disability, emphasizing the
forms of relationship and communication focusing on the professional future.
It could also include practical courses on communication skills and other
Topics such as sign language, nonverbal communication, lip-facial reading, etc. inside
of the catalog of courses offered to nurses during their professional career. The insecurity that a patient with a sensory disability feels when he must
going to a health service is evident due to all the difficulties they encounter and
Nursing has a fundamental role in providing security and understanding to
these patients, for this the nurse will have a series of tools that she must
used to achieve adequate therapeutic communication. therapeutic communication
is defined as “relationship-specific communication in which one person
plays the role of helping another”, by Clara Valverde Gefaelle (27) and to achieve it
must be met:
– Listen actively and reflectively to the patient.
– Focus attention on the patient and use observation.
– Do not generalize, no two patients are the same.
– Empathetic attitude: it consists of the ability to correctly understand what
experiences the patient and communicate this understanding in a language
accommodated to her feelings and understanding.
-Respect: call him by his name, do not trivialize, do not refer to him because of his disability
or because of his pathology…
-Do not judge: accept the patient as he is.
– Allow free expression.
-Give confidence and reinforce his self-esteem.
If these premises are met, the patient will feel safe, since communication
done would be effective. For this reason, it must be ensured that the sensory disability of the
patient does not prevent the nurse from achieving the same relationship with him as with other
people, if so, the purpose of adequate communication will have been fulfilled.

Today, where the need to have the ability to manage the internet is palpable,
social networks, other languages ​​or languages… for a better and greater communication with the
world, is forgotten, in many cases, or in a discreet background, the
communication with those who have some type of sensory disability.
Other languages ​​are studied, but not sign language. characters are used
specific in sending messages online, but braille is unknown. And in this circle
the nurse is also immersed.
Within the nursing care plans, she is established as one of the
needs to cover communication, and when this is carried out with people with
sensory disability, the difficulty that this supposes is notorious, being evident
lack of resources in this regard.
The health system itself would get a fail in terms of available resources
to achieve accessible communication with the blind and deaf: from installations with
lack of accessibility, without adapted audiovisual resources, lack of
help provided by other institutions… So it should be noted that their performance
should not only manifest itself in the design of its facilities or in the use of
different resources provided by other institutions or associations, but also in the
ability to promote the training of their professions in the face of sensory disability and
achieve a maximum degree of independence for the users who submit it.
The training offered to health professionals, in this case, nurses and
nurses, both from university studies, and later in training
offered, is deficient. Therefore, the contribution of
basic knowledge, skills and abilities to facilitate relationships and communication
between nurses and people with visual and/or hearing impairment.




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