Some provinces in Canada, including British Columbia, currently ban the purchase of private insurance for medically necessary services that are already covered by the public system. Do you agree or disagree with this policy?

Should citizens be permitted to purchase private health insurance for services covered by the public system? Should they be permitted to make additional payments to providers on top of the amounts paid by the public health insurance plan for covered services? What was the intent of the policy? What are the unintended consequences of prohibiting private payments? What do you believe would be the outcome if individuals were permitted to pay privately?

Upper Division Writing Papers

Three papers will make up the remaining 150 points (one-third) of your course grade. While there will be four paper topics available, you only need to complete three papers. (If you choose to complete four, your lowest score will be dropped.) The papers will be critical thinking papers worth 50 points each. You will be given the opportunity for feedback and revision and may earn back up to 10 missed points from your initial submission. Papers must be submitted electronically to Canvas by 11:00pm on the day they are due. Since you have four paper options, late work is not accepted. Failure to submit your work as a result of technological failure will not grant you an extension. Submitting your work on time is your responsibility. Extra credit cannot be applied to Upper Division Writing Papers or to satisfy the University’s “C-” requirement.

This course satisfies the University’s Upper Division Writing requirement. In order to fulfill FSU’s Upper-Division Writing requirement, the student must earn a “C-” or higher in the course, and earn at least a “C-” average on the required writing assignments. If the student does not earn a “C-” average or better on the required writing assignments, the student will not earn an overall grade of “C-” or better in the course, no matter how well the student performs in the remaining portion of the course.


Paper Rubric

Paper Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNormative Position
In your opening paragraph, you should state your normative conclusion on the topic. You should continue to defend and support your position throughout the paper.

5.0 pts
Full Credit

The student’s normative position was clearly stated and defended.

3.0 pts
Partial Credit

The student’s normative position was somewhat stated and defended.

1.0 pts
Needs Improvement

The student’s normative position was unclear or not defended.

5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOpposing Views
You should also consider opposing views and trade-offs associated with your position. Consider down-sides and why others may have opposing viewpoints.

5.0 pts
Full Credit

The student thoroughly discussed trade-offs and acknowledged opposing views.

3.0 pts
Partial Credit

The student somewhat discussed trade-offs and acknowledged opposing views.

1.0 pts
Needs Improvement

The student did not discuss trade-offs or acknowledge opposing views

5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEconomics
You should be familiar and demonstrate an appropriate understanding of introductory economic concepts such as opportunity cost, secondary effects, supply and demand as well as resource constraints




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