Suggest one (1) key financial ratio that a health care administrator should create a trend analysis for.Using Ratios as Performance Indicators and Inflation and Health Care Costs”
Week 6

“Using Ratios as Performance Indicators and Inflation and Health Care Costs”

Suggest one (1) key financial ratio that a health care administrator should create a trend analysis for. Suggest one (1) key insight that may be gained by the administrator in regard to the performance of the organization. Provide support for your rationale.

Use the Internet to research the current and projected inflation rates and the related impact expected on health care costs. Next, assess the level of importance of one (1) key driver of the inflation of health care costs. Indicate how this inflation can be managed strategically in the future to minimize the financial impact. Provide support for your rationale.

Required Resource, however supplemental resources can be added. Baker, J. (2014.) Healthcare finance: Basic tools for nonfinancial managers (4th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Write clearly and concisely about health financial management using proper writing mechanics.

1 page double-spaced; 12 point, Times New Roman font; following APA requirements

References should be on a separate reference page, appropriately double-spaced, and organized alphabetically.

Week 7

The Budgeting Process and Capital Investment Decisions”

Use the Internet to research information related to the budgeting processes within the various types of health care organizations. Next, determine the most-effective budgeting approach for a hospital, indicating how this approach can lead to effective financial management of the facility. Provide support for your rationale.

Assume that you are an administrator for a hospital, and you need to acquire a new technology system so that you may comply with regulatory requirements. Create an argument to be presented to the leadership team in which you justify the need for your facility to invest in this new technology. Then indicate the value to the organization and provide support for your argument.

Required Resource, however supplemental resources can be added.

Baker, J. (2014.) Healthcare finance: Basic tools for nonfinancial managers (4th ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

Write clearly and concisely about health financial management using proper writing mechanics.

1 page double-spaced; 12 point, Times New Roman font; following APA requirements




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