This journal entry has two activities: Activity 1 – is about practice of gratitude. Activity 2 – is a reflection activity called “Life Map Exercise” Due Date: Check the Course Calendar on Blackboard See below for grading criteria

Note: You will complete both activities and write about your experiences in a single journal entry for Unit 2.

Activity 1 – The Practice of Gratitude Why this activity? Research suggests that people who regularly express gratitude report better health, reduce their risk of heart disease, get better sleep, strengthen feelings of connection and satisfaction in their relationships, feel more satisfied with their lives, more joy and optimism, and less anxiety.

Do this: Look at the provided sheet of gratitude practices (PDF file). Choose and carry out a different gratitude activity to practice (one a day, for a total of five activities). Each day keep notes describing what gratitude activity you practiced, and what took place. Be specific: in your notes include details about what/how you felt and thought before, during, and after each activity. Dare to be adventurous…step out of your comfort zone and choose activities that represent a bit of a stretch!

What to Write in Your Journal Entry Under “Activity 1” In your journal entry list the five gratitude activities you choose, and describe what you did in each activity. For example you might choose the activity, “When you are feeling sad, upset, or angry, notice and stop. Pay attention to your breath. Think of three things you are grateful for.” You should write this down, and describe what took place when you did this. Be sure to include details about what/how you felt and thought before, during, and after the activity. Among the five gratitude activities you practiced, which two activities had the greatest impact on you, and why? How might continuing each one of these practices on a regular basis contribute to your well-being?

The required word count for Activity 1 is 250-550 words using 12-point Arial font. See below for additional grading criteria.

Activity 2 – “Life Map Exercise” Why this activity? This activity is helpful for putting one’s life in perspective, seeing the “big picture”, and getting to know yourself better. It can contribute to giving you a better grasp on who you are, where you’ve come from, and where you might be headed next. It can also show you patterns/themes in your life you may not have recognized before. For some people reflecting on this activity can additionally bring greater hope or motivation in current situations.

This activity has two parts (A and B) described below:

Part A – Creating Your “Time Line” You will need cardboard, or a large sheet of paper (you can tape several pieces of plain white printer paper together to create a larger one). Feel free to adapt and use other materials you may have at hand, as long as you can produce a similar result.

You will also need three different colors of “post-it” or “sticky” notes (you can create your own, but you must use three different colors of paper or three distinctly different colors of markers that would show up clearly in a photo)

Do This: (Take 25 minutes to complete this part of the activity – don’t try to dig too deeply. You want what comes to mind easily and quickly)

· Draw a line along the length of the paper. This will be your “time line”

· Choose one color of “sticky” note and write down “pleasant” experiences in your life (e.g. growing up in a loving family). You might also include the name of a person or an activity, a specific memory of an encounter, or even a place, etc. You need to have at least five of these sticky-notes on your timeline, with a different item on each one.

· On the second color of sticky note write down “painful” situations (e.g. broken relationship). It’s important to write these situations down as “painful” if that is how they felt at the time. Even if something good came out of it later, if it was painful at the time you went through it, it needs to go on this color (and not the “pleasant experiences” color). “Painful” doesn’t have to be hugely traumatic. If piano lessons weren’t a good experience, you’re allowed to write that down. Nothing is too trivial as long as it has meaning for you. You need to have at least five of these “sticky-notes” on your timeline, with a different item on each one.




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