This should discuss implementing a more person centred approach in your area of work. What would be the benefits? Can you think of any negatives?

reflective essay on person-centred communication in nursing
Order Description
reflective essay on person-centred communication in nursing
there will be a scenario you can change on it in way that will help you to write. an reflect on it. try to use the up-dated references.
From the module description
A five thousand word processed assignment on theoretical ethical professional and practical perspectives associated with person centred communication skills and approaches
You must complete a five thousand word assignment which illustrates your knowledge and understanding of the communication process including its application to clinical practice. The assignment will include exploration and discussion of theoretical concepts practice models and approaches as well as relevant ethical considerations including the awareness of self. Reference to and relevance for your clinical context and client groups will be expected. The work must be supported throughout by appropriate references and/or relevant sources of evidence. The discussion must be based upon sound evidence relevant to personal practice and experience as well as a range of literature sources including appropriate research.
You will need to discuss your ability to adapt models skills and strategies to best fit with your clients needs the context and your own role as a practitioner. In addition you will need to discuss your awareness of personal professional and organisational barriers and/or hindrances to the development of the person centred approach in practice. Also you will need to support your discussion with sources of evidence such as models and/or approaches that identifies and explores strategies for sustaining new developments and change in personal and professional practice.
Below I have outline guidelines for your essay. This is not an exhaustive list of what you should include in your essay it is some of the points you should consider when writing your essay and a suggested structure to use.
I have listed my ideas for what can be included in each section. This is not to suggest the order in which to include information or subheadings for sections of the essay.
For the introduction you should identify the area of practice in which you work and the use of person centred communication (PCC) within this field.
Discuss the importance of communication in nursing. Why do nurses need to communicate with patients and colleagues more effectively? Consider this in relation to the evidence on communication in nursing. Are nurses effective communicators? Do they communicate sufficiently with patients?
What are the positive aspects of PCC How does it enhance patient care? Relate this to evidence of its application and effectiveness.
Relate the reasons to the literature local and national policy. The Code of Conduct for nurses our accountability and duty of care to our patients.
Person Centred communication
What is communication models of communication: linear and transactional models. Relating this to how we communicate as nurses in the clinical setting
What is person centred communication? Describe the skills needed to communicate effectively in a caring environment.
Describe the skills and attributes of PCC. Warmth empathy unconditional positive regard genuineness and trust.
Consider self-awareness what self-awareness is and why it is important in being person centred as well as being important for reflective practice. Relate this to literature on self-awareness and reflection.
Describe the basis of PCC theories and perspective that underlie the approach
Effective listening skills (summarising reflection of content and feelings paraphrasing and summarising)
The Use of SOLER and/or SURETY. Consider these two approaches comparing them the critique of SOLER by (Stickley 2011 Williams and Stickley 2010)Consider the limitations in applying these models within the nursing field where the conditions are not always optimal
Critically analyse the above approaches. For example can we really give people unconditional positive regard? Are there other theories and ideas of human motivation and development?
Is there empirical evidence to support the theory and the skills?
What is the evidence for the effectiveness of PCC?
Describe the barriers to using PCC in healthcare. This could include discussions of the physical environment and whether this provides adequate time and confidential areas to talk with patients/ families and staff.
What is the culture of nursing? Sometimes nursing emphasises the tasks and clinical skills and spending time with people is not seen as so valuable. Discuss this in relation to the literature on nursing.
The local context
Give a brief description of your area of practice. Describe the context in which you communicate with patients families or other staff.
Using person centred skills in practice (Reflective account)
Describe an incident in which you have applied PCC in practice. The incident does not have to be a major clinical incident the important issue is that it allows you to discuss the use of PCC.
In using a reflective approach what is the evidence for using reflection in nursing practice?
Is reflection recommended by our professional bodies educational institutions and health organisations?
What was the incident?
What skills did you use?
Did it facilitate better quality care with a patient / family member?
Did it help deal with an emotional issue for staff?
Discuss it in relation to the literature on PCC. In relating the situation to the literature you should consider the evidence base for the approaches you are using.
You should also bring in literature on PCC related to your own specialised field of practice. If you work in midwifery for example you should use literature on using PCC in this field. If you work in mental health what does the literature say about using PCC in mental health.
Can it be described in relation to the approaches of Egan Roger Heron or another model of communication
Developing rapport with a person and identifying an issue to work on
Developing a goal with the person
Helping the person find a way towards their goal.
Identifying which categories of intervention you used in your situation.
This should finish with a brief summary about what you have learned from discussing and applying PCC in practice
This should discuss implementing a more person centred approach in your area of work. What would be the benefits? Can you think of any negatives?
What would be the barriers in your workplace what could be done to overcome these barriers.
For example: training changes in the ways of working and culture education.
Theoretical content
Person centred models and approaches such as the six categories of interventions (Heron 2001) and the three staged helping approach (Egan 2006). Professional ethical and legal aspects of communication skills in practice.
Demonstrate the application of enhanced self-awareness through self-appraisal and reflection on action
Concepts of support supervision and development
Research evidence regarding effective styles of communication
The application of person centred communication skills
The communication skills process
The application and principles of intentionality of person centred communication skills
Reflective and analytical skill development
The Integration of ethical professional and legal issues in practice
Practical support supervision and development
The application of approaches and/or skills to specialist areas of practice
if you can use these references if available it will help
Reading List
Bach S and Grant A. 2009 Communication and Interpersonal Skills for Nurses Exeter Learning Matters Ltd
Donnelly E. and Neville L. 2008 Communication and Interpersonal Skills (Health and Social Care: Knowledge and Skills) Newton Abbot Reflect Press Ltd
Hargie O. (Ed) 2006 The Handbook of Communication Skills Hove Routledge
Hough M. (2006) Counselling Skills and Theory London Hodder and Stoughton
Moss B. 2007 Communication Skills for Health and Social Care London Sage
You can use these references also as they are the most up-dated refernces:
1- Morrisey J. Callaghan P. 2011 Communication skills for mental health nurses. Berkghire McGran Hill Open university
2- Bach S. Gant A. 2011 communication and interpersonal skills in nursing 2nd editionexetes:learning matters
this is the scenario:
One day during morning shift. One mother came from home carrying her 5 days old term baby. Firstly she attend nursing station of low dependency. She called the staff nurse who was working with her assigned babies. The nurse came to see the baby as in the beginning she asked the mother to put her baby under warmer. The mother put her baby. She told the nurse that her baby is yellowish in colour as he has jaundice. The nurse called the doctor to examine the baby and in the same time she examined him. He was totally dark yellowish in colour and he was not breathing at all. The staff nurse informed the doctor for the second time. He told her to take the baby immediately to intermediate-dependency (ID). The nurse told the mother that she will shift the baby to another dependency. She shifted him along with his mother and put him under the warmer. The doctor immediately came. I attend to help the doctor with another staff nurses. We asked the mother to stay outside the dependency so she will not get panic and she response by nodding her head and she stayed out. Ambubagging intubation intraventricular cannulation arterial line insertion and blood sample collection done. The mother was crying outside ID as she did not know what happened for her baby. After finishing the procedure the baby had put inside intensive phototherapy machine as a prophylactic therapy and endotracheal tube (ETT) connected to ventilator in isolation room. One of the senior staff assigned for that baby. The doctor told me that he wants to speak to the parents. I took them to the seminar room in our ward. I close the door with my presence and the doctor. Most of chairs were arranged. I kept one chair for the doctor in front of parents chairs. I sat on a chair beside. The doctor start to take history from them. He informed them about the procedures done with explanation of reasons of implementing them by using simple and understandable words without using medical terms in order to reduce their fears. After finishing both the doctor and father left. I took permission from the other to sit. I sat in front of her with maintaining eye contact most of the time. I asked her about what did she observe in the baby and what feelings she experienced. She expressed her feelings. I touch her hands and showed her that I understand her feelings of fear as he is her baby and not to feel mistaken by herself. I asked her about the reasons she is thinking it is the cause. She identified that she is not having enough milk and she is not having enough milk and she is not exposing her baby to the sun as he needed in this age I replied that less milk and unexposed to sun are the reasons. Finally I closed our discussion by summarizing of key points that already we discussed together. Then we left. After laboratory results came the doctor advice for complete blood exchange. It was done by an expert doctor but those interventions did not help the baby so much as he passed away the next day.




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