Responses to classmates must consist of at least 350 words (not including the greeting and the references), do NOT repeat the same thing your classmate is saying, try to add something of value like a resource, educational information to give to patients, possible bad outcomes associated with the medicines discussed in the case, try to include a sample case you’ve seen at work and discuss how you feel about how that case was handled. Try to use supportive information such as current Tx guidelines, current research related to the treatment, anything that will enhance learning in the online classroom.

In the summer of 2021, I witness one of my loved ones lose a job that he was with for the past twelve years. I decided to discuss this individual’s story because I went through the entire process with him. I was there when he received the call that made his termination official, when he went through unstable mental health, and when he was able to stand on his feet again. In this discussion, I will discuss how a loss of a job can affect mental health, physical health, and self-worth.

In 2020 an estimated 9.6 million U.S workers between the ages lost their job (Bennett,2021). A loss of a job is never easy, and it affects an individual entirely, mentally, physically, and emotionally. In today’s world losing a job affects a person’s mental health tremendously because it puts a person in a panic environment. After all, they begin to worry about how they would support their family and lifestyle. A study was conducted that states unemployment is linked to anxiety, depression, and loss of life satisfaction (Pappas,2020). My loved who I mentioned earlier can directly relate to this study he underwent depression and anxiety for a while. He did not believe in himself. However, it wasn’t until my family, and I began to practice verbal social persuasion. Verbal persuasion is encouraging others that can increase self-efficacy. Slowly but surely over time, this individual began to change his mentality from not being able to do things and believing he can, just by accepting verbal persuasion. This individual began to think he can get a new job, which increased his self-efficacy. He was in a positive somatic state without even knowing it.

A loss of a job can impact your physical health. There was a study conducted that surveyed 300 men every six months. In this study, some men were unemployed and employed. The study concluded with the finds of unemployed men made significantly more visits to their physician’s office, took more medications, and spent more days in bed compared to those who were employed (Linn et al.,1985). This occurred firsthand with my loved one, he complained of having a feeling of a tight chest constantly that lead him to his primary care office on multiple occasions. He would also lay in bed all day scrolling through endless social media posts. However, one of these social media posts encouraged him to be proactive in his physical health. He began to take outdoor walks every day due to an influencer stating it walks help with mental and physical health. My loved one tried it and it worked. Which impacted his self-efficacy through the constructs of self-efficacy theory, vicarious experiences. My loved one learned from the influencer’s personal experiences and strategies that he can get through the loss of losing his job by utilizing the coping mechanism such as walking outdoors to increase self-efficacy.

A person’s self-worth can be impacted if they lose a job. I saw my loved one struggle to find value in himself because of his loss. Until there was one day, he started picking himself up and reaching out to job recruiters, and using positive mechanisms to help himself. My family knew that by taking those steps he was beginning to overcome difficult obstacles. It wasn’t easy for him however it led him to find a new job that he enjoys. In this situation my loved one used the mastery experience that calls for trying different and difficult things, overcoming obstacles, and practicing things that don’t come easily. While I believe a loss of a job can affect a person’s mental, physical, and self-worth state, I do think it’s temporary. It all depends on how the person handles it. Now if a person decides to use a construct of self-efficacy theory to overcome their loss positively with time, I think they would be able to pick themselves up and conquer the next job.


Bennett, J. (2021, April 15). Fewer jobs have been lost in the EU than in the U.S. during the COVID-19 downturn. Pew Research Center.

Pappas, S. (2020, October 1). The toll of Job loss. Monitor on Psychology.

Linn, M. W., Sandifer, R., & Stein, S. (1985). Effects of unemployment on mental and physical health. American journal of public health, 75(5), 502–506.




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