

Unit III Project

BSL 4000-16G-1A22-S1


Unit III Project

Justin Erby


BSL 4000-16G-1A22-S1

Managing Diversity in Organizations

Unit III Project

Organizational policy report

Assessment of diversity issue

The religious and sexual orientation issue in Fig Technologies is still in its growing phase, considering that staff still raise their views on the matter. The concern is that it might reach the mature phase, where they might begin to react negatively once they conclude that the company does not consider their dilemma (Bell, 2017). This is a dangerous stage because employees could begin taking matters into their hands by either missing work during the holidays and celebration days, acting out on those whose occasions are recognized, or demotivated by virtue of feeling unrecognized.

Plan of action

For Fig Technologies to avoid finding itself in a place where its employees feel disconnected, there is a need to design a policy that should be included as an addition to the company’s policy on discrimination and harassment. The importance of doing this is that it will strengthen the company culture. Fig Technologies boasts of its values that include respect, inclusion, honesty, trust, and value centricity, among others. If the organization cannot walk its talk, both the staff will likely begin to break these values, mirroring its leadership style towards them. It is likely that there will be a division that will group employees into privileged and underprivileged categories, and discrimination and harassment will begin (Thomas, 2017). The new plan I propose will stop this from happening by reinforcing the inclusion of the various religious and gender orientation groups.

Diversity in the organization happens where inclusion is absent. The two issues facing the company are sensitive. They can easily trigger disputes, dissatisfaction, and high turnover rates that could affect its profitability as well as negatively impact its reputation. There are three religions that are major: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. The three are known for their holiday celebrations that require them to register absenteeism from work. While Christians can work during their holidays, they prefer to attend Church on Sundays and celebrate their most significant holidays which are, Good Friday, Easter Monday, and Christmas. Muslims will work on Fridays, but they prefer to celebrate

Eid ul Fitr



away from work. Jews are more adherent and strictly observe the Sabbath every Friday evening throughout Saturday, the Passover, and

Yom Kippur

. The LGBTQ group, on the other hand, need to attend Pride Day every June 28th. Naturally, companies recognize Christian and Muslim holidays, forgetting to consider the other minority groups. However, this era has empowered them to uphold and demand their rights. Therefore, denying them their privilege could result in strife, dissatisfaction, unproductivity, low employee retention, and a broken company culture.

Diversity and inclusion in the workplace create employee equitability, respect, trust, and commitment. My new plan and policy seek to uphold diversity and inclusion in order to reinforce these values. (Thomas, 2017). It will achieve this through the following proposed steps: i) Recognize that every employee as an individual whose affiliation to their religious or social groups builds their identity. ii) Recognize that respect begets respect; in respecting their identity, they will respect back and appreciate the acceptance. iii) Create a work environment that upholds equitability through diversity and inclusion training programs. iv) Eliminate discrimination and harassment by granting these individuals the privilege to attend their special occasions by making effective staffing planning. This way, the company will build a strong team that respects its value-driven culture (Cameron & Quinn, 2011).


Bell, M. P. (2017). Diversity in organizations (3rd ed.). Cengage Learning

Cameron, K. & Quinn, R. (2011).

Diagnosing and Changing Organizational Culture : Based on the Competing Values Framework

. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Thomas, R. (2017).

Managing workplace diversity and inclusion : a psychological perspective

. New York, NY: Routledge.




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