Part A: Preparing a Screencast:
Outsourcing is an avenue to which many companies resort. The idea of savings was particularly significant in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Now the global economy is starting to level off, decreasing the drastic amount of savings that used to exist and introducing new variables to the equation, such as the pride of an all-American product or service.
Using Jing, a tool for preparing screencasts, prepare a 5-minute clip to cover the following tasks:
Utilizing tools such as Google Scholar and Scirus identify published material that describes the latest trends in outsourcing;
Describe briefly your findings;
Pick a single company that outsources work or services and briefly describe it.
Your clip should include a visual recording of your screen and your voice commenting on your screens. Once your clip is ready, add the link to your clip into this assignment’s report. Use the subtitle: Part A: Preparing a Screencast.
Part B: Final Project — Revenue Model (Part V)
Until now, you have analyzed how Starbucks and Apple have worked in partnership to allow owners of an iPhone or an iPod to download any of the last ten songs played in a Starbucks location upon entry. You have examined their information flow and technology they use to provide the service.
A revenue model, part of an overall business model, is simply the method by which the business will sustain itself by income from customers/clients and the venues that will be used to attract business. The revenue model should include all possible avenues of customer or client purchases and the expected income per individual purchase.
In this final week and based on your research of the partnership between Apple and Starbucks, you need to respond to the following items:
Item 1: Propose a supply chain diagram to illustrate the incorporation of the two companies, the musicians that supply the music to be purchased, and the delivery to the customers. Can any part of the supply chain be outsourced? Why would this be a good or bad idea? Justify your answer in terms of cost. What other technologies and companies are involved in this exchange given that Starbucks does not provide its own wireless service? You need to cover this item in 2 pages.
Item 2: Construct a revenue model diagram for the purchase of songs played at the Starbucks location. What revenue will be gained by Apple and what revenue will be gained by Starbucks in this partnership? Suggest at least two other partners aside from coffee shops that may benefit from a similar partnership with Apple in terms of location-based usage. How would this mutually benefit both partners? You need to cover this item in 2 pages.
Related to order #155588, #155589, #155590