Please use the resources listed below for all citations/references:

Rosenthal, L. D., & Burchum, J. R. (2021). Lehne’s pharmacotherapeutics for advanced practice nurses and physician assistants (2nd ed.) St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

Chapter 46, “Anticoagulant and Antiplatelet Drugs” (pp. 364–371)

Chapter 47, “Drugs for Deficiency Anemias” (pp. 389–396)

Chapter 50, “Estrogens and Progestins: Basic Pharmacology and Noncontraceptive Applications” (pp. 425–436)

Chapter 51, “Birth Control” (pp. 437–446)

Chapter 52, “Androgens” (pp. 447–453)

Chapter 53, “Male Sexual Dysfunction and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia” (pp. 454–466)

Chapter 70, “Basic Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy” (pp. 651–661)

Chapter 71, “Drugs That Weaken the Bacterial Cell Wall I: Penicillins” (pp. 662–668)

Chapter 75, “Sulfonamides Antibiotics and Trimethoprim” (pp. 688–694)

Chapter 76, “Drug Therapy of Urinary Tract Infections” (pp. 695–699)

Chapter 78, “Miscellaneous Antibacterial Drugs” (pp. 711–714)

Chapter 79, “Antifungal Agents” (pp. 715–722)

Chapter 80, “Antiviral Agents I: Drugs for Non-HIV Viral Infections” (pp. 723–743)

Chapter 82, “Drug Therapy of Sexually Transmitted Diseases” (pp. 763–770)

Roberts, H., & Hickey, M. (2016). Managing the menopause: An update links to an external site.. Maturitas, 86(2016), 53–58.
This article provides an update on treatments for Vasomotor symptoms (VMS), genito-urinary syndrome of menopause (GSM), sleep disturbance, sexual dysfunction, and mood disturbance that are common during the menopause transition

Speed Pharmacology. (2018). Pharmacology – Antibiotics – Cell wall & membrane inhibitors (Made Easy)Links to an external site. [Video].,mMk6VWVpRpo%26t%3D504s

To Prepare:

Review the Resources for this module and reflect on the different health needs and body systems presented.
Your Instructor will assign you a complex case study to focus on for this Discussion.Links to an external site.
Consider how you will practice critical decision making for prescribing appropriate drugs and treatment to address the complex patient health needs in the patient case study you selected.

Post a brief description of your patient’s health needs from the patient case study you assigned. Be specific. Then, explain the type of treatment regimen you would recommend for treating your patient, including the choice of pharmacotherapeutics you would recommend, and explain why. Be sure to justify your response. Explain a patient education strategy you might recommend for assisting your patient with the management of their health needs. Be specific and provide examples

Case Study 1
HH is a 68 yo M admitted to the medical ward with community-acquired pneumonia for the past 3 days. His PMH is significant for COPD, HTN, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes. He remains on empiric antibiotics, which include ceftriaxone 1 g IV qday (day 3) and azithromycin 500 mg IV qday (day 3). Since admission, his clinical status has improved, with decreased oxygen requirements. He is not tolerating a diet now with complaints of nausea and vomiting.

Ht: 5’8” Wt: 89 kg
Allergies: Penicillin (rash)

Thank you, Peter!




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