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HEALTH POLICY ISSUE By (Student Name) Institutional Affiliation Date Abstract This paper is an assignment on health policy issue on the bill of amendment on the Public Health Service Act to establish nurse-to-patient ratio requirements in U.S. hospitals by the 114th Congress. The bill of amendment on the Public Health Service Act to establish nurse-to-patient ratio requirements in U.S. hospitals is a United State federal statute health policy. The bill of amendment on the Public Health Service Act to establish nurse-to-patient ratio requirements in U.S. hospitals is a heath care policy whose several provisions are linked with and almost similar to the Obamacare health policy also known as the PPACA (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act). The Obamacare is a health care federal policy that is already in existence since it has passed by the Congress, signed to law, and upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court. Therefore, the main purpose of this health policy issue paper is to provide detailed discussion on the various variables and deliberations on the issue of the bill of amendment on the Public Health Service Act to establish nurse-to-patient ratio requirements in U.S. hospitals. The paper seeks to discuss specifically the bill of amendment on the Public Health Service Act to establish nurse-to-patient ratio requirements in U.S. hospitals, impact and considerations socially, economically, and ethically; the arguments of those interest groups or individuals who are either supporting (the proponents) or opposing (opponents) the bill, the nursing and human service perspective view of the health policy, and the policy recommendations on the bill. It is imminent presently that in the United States, the bill of amendment on the Public Health Service Act to establish nurse-to-patient ratio requirements in U.S. hospitals has both received and been subjected to mixed reactions by some people supporting and opposing the implementation, costs, and impacts of the policy alike in proportionate measures respectively. As a result, this paper is objectively focused on providing comprehensive understanding and viable recommendations on the various issues revolving around the bill of amendment on the Public Health Service Act (PHSA) to establish nurse-to-patient ratio requirements in U.S. hospitals as previously in support of the Obamacare health policy development and its impact on the quality and affordability of care. HEALTH POLICY ISSUE I. Introduction of the Issue and the Related Bill of Amendment on the PHSA The bill of amendment on the Public Health Service Act to establish nurse-to-patient ratio requirements in U.S. hospitals, just as the Obamacare, is a health care policy issue that is primarily tailored towards a chief goal of providing more Americans with the opportunity and ability to access quality and affordable health care. In the recent past, there have been several incidences of medical mistakes leaving patients with grievous and irreversible harmful health effects due to the poor quality of care services as a result of inadequacy of health personnel (nurses) in the American hospitals. The quality and affordable care will improve the treatment and medication of diseases as well as reducing the cost of care so as to consequently help in the reduction of the ever-growing spending in the U.S. health care due to the prevalent medical mistakes. The bill of amendment on the Public Health Service Act (PHSA) is to establish nurse-to-patient ratio requirements in U.S. hospitals PPACA that is determined to help in the expansion of the availability, quality, affordability of patients treatment and medication in both the public and private hospitals. The Bill amendment on the PHSA is concerned with providing regulations in the health care system through the provision of insurance exchanges, consumer (patients) protections, and tax cuts (United States, 2014). The health care related legislations to the bill amendment on PHSA are the Obamacare health policy, the Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act, and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act bills signed into law on March 23, 2010. The amendment bill on PHSA is both a health policy and a reform of the health care bill to the health insurance industry and healthcare. The PHSA bill provides a reformation to the healthcare industry on two significant developments of the expansion of the Medicare and Medicaid to ensure that all Americans can afford the cost of care so that resources needed to improve the patient-nurse ratio are also made available (United States & West Publishing Company, 2012). The Medicare has expanded the health insurance coverage for the elderly and the retirees to more than 15.9 million Americans especially the women and seniors who were not previously qualified for the Medicaid coverage on care services. The Medicaid expands its insurance coverage for the poor and middle-income earners in the American society who can barely meet the cost required to access the care needs and services. Also, the bill of amendment on the PHSA creates a pool of insurance exchange that is aimed at providing affordable insurance to majority the Americans, especially the low-income Americans (those living below the poverty lines) and the middle-income Americans (Holaday & Buckley, 2013). The name and number of the bill of amendment on the PHSA is the H.R. 1602. However, there are several versions of the bills that are leading up to the final version of the bill of amendment on the PHSA. The bill of amendment on the PHSA contains numerous legal provisions that provide Americans with a number of new protections, benefits, and rights which most precisely ensure that majority of the American citizens have the access to quality and affordable healthcare. The person who introduced the bill of amendment on the PHSA PPACA was Ms. Schakowsky. The current status of the bill of amendment on the PHSA is that, the bill is still in the first session reading at the House of Representatives, the Congress (Library of Congress, 2014). II. Background/Significance and Scope of the Issue the bill of amendment on the PHSA Information The bill of amendment on the PHSA policy contains over a thousand pages on the reforms to be conducted in the U.S. health care industries and nurse-patient services. The bill of amendment on the PHSA is much interested in combating the health care costs that are ever rising and provide health quality and patient-centered care that is affordable to more Americans. Despite its complexity and length, most of the important information of the bill of amendment on the PHSA on the reforms of health care and the patient-centered care services by the professional nurses is provided in the first 140 pages of the law (United States, 2014). The bill of amendment on the PHSA has a provision that many Americans who make under the 400% of the FPL (Federal Poverty Level) will have the qualification and eligibility of accessing and being provided with the cost assistance subsidies through the health insurance marketplace to meet the cost of accessing quality service of nurse-patient improved ratio care. The cost assistance subsidies are provided in three forms: Medicaid and subsidies of cost sharing for the increased cost of patient-centered care through the improved patient-nurse ratio that is out-of-pockets of the many Americans especially the poor (United States, 2015). History of bill and initial development The history and initial development of the bill of amendment on the PHSA trace back to the history of health care legislation over the entire course of century. The history and development of the quality, affordable, and patient-centered care and improved patient-nurse ratio care did borrow the health care policy issue of establishing a patient-centered affordable and quality care from the advocacy for health care system by Theodore Roosevelt to the failed effort of Bill Clinton to introduce an ACA (Affordable Care Act) in 1993 (James et.al, 2013). For decades now in American political history, the Republicans and Democrats have been working year after year to create health care laws that can transform the American health care system. The bill of amendment on the PHSA is giving the U.S. health care system a chance of realizing significant transformation of improving the patient-centered care and the improved nurse-patient ratio care. The initial development of the bill of amendment on the PHSA is affirmed in the chief practice supporting the principle that every American citizen is mandatorily required to access and have the basic security of health care. The bill of amendment on the PHSA has a core objective of extending the health care quality and patient-centered care through improved patient-nurse ratio to more than 130 million Americans who are have no or little access to quality care so as to avoid medical mistakes. The provision of improved patient-nursing care are based on the extension of the health insurance through the expansion of the Medicaid, Medicare, and provision of federal subsidies that will help in the improving the quality of services, hence, consequently reducing the incidences of medical mistakes especially to the middle and lower-income Americans who cannot afford quality care services in the well established private hospitals (Library of Congress, 2014). In the initial development of the bill of amendment on the PHSA, the health policy bill is faced with a imminent challenge of whether or not it will gain the approval of both the senate and the House of Administrative for is passing. The bill of amendment on the PHSA has been subjected to a sharp opposition by the Republicans lawmakers and the congressional house representatives (United States, 2015). The impetus for introduction of the bill of amendment on the PHSA The impetus for the introduction of the bill of amendment on the PHSA, that is, the factors that promote and did promote both the development and need to develop the PHSA (Public Health Service Act) include the following. There was the need to eliminate the care quality disparity in the private and public hospitals due to lack of required nurse professionals mostly in the public hospitals leading to care and gender discriminations and the pre-existing conditions so that no one is charged more or dropped from his or her health insurance coverage based on the issues that are race, gender, or health related. Also, the bill of amendment on the PHSA seeks to improve the access to affordable and quality health care to the low and middle-income citizens by the provision of discounts on the health care costs through the Health Insurance Exchange (also known as Health Insurance Marketplace). In addition, the bill of amendment on the PHSA requires for the provision of improved care quality received by the Americans so as to provide better wellness, treatment, and preventive services and raise the basic health care coverage standards (Alleman & Houle, 2013). Literature review relevant to the bill of amendment on the PHSA Issue/problem The bill of amendment on the PHSA is a health care issue related to the provision of equitable, affordable, and quality healthcare to all of the American citizens. The issue that the bill of amendment on the PHSA is more concerned with is helping to solve the prevalent health problems that has since time immemorial troubled the U.S. health care system, the problem of low-quality care. The health problems that the bill of amendment on the PHSA is specifically determined to solve are the problems of high health care and high insurance costs to those receiving improved patient-nurse ratio care that is unaffordable to many and discrimination based on gender when one requires to access care services. The bill of amendment on the PHSA is, therefore, a healthcare bill that is primarily committed to stopping the insurance companies from dropping a person when sick, offering protection against the gender discrimination, expanding the health benefits and services of free preventatives, expanding the Medicaid, improving Medicare, improving the quality of care through the promotion of the patient-nurse ratio care to reduce the healthcare deficits and spending, and creating a subsidized insurance in the health insurance exchange (marketplace) to provide millions of Americans with either low or free cost of health insurance to be able to access the quality care (Library of Congress, 2014). The bill of amendment on the PHSA is a health policy that is determined to be a result of the decades of ideas from both the isle and the health care industry sides. Preliminarily, the idea of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) whose provisions have been borrowed by the bill of amendment on the PHSA was first presented by the Heritage Foundation, in 1989. Discussion of the social, economic, political, and ethical considerations/impact related to the Obamacare policy issue Social Impact/Considerations The bill of amendment on the PHSA champions for the provision of financial initiatives in the healthcare services as one of the most appropriate measures for solving the health problem of low-quality care due to low patient-nurse ratio in the American hospitals. The provisions of financial incentives are projected to go a long way in facilitating the reorientation and strengthening of Healthcare Systems. The reorientation and strengthening are social developments that eventually promote the provision of quality social and health services to the Americans in the respective U.S. communities. The bill of amendment on the PHSA allows the U.S federal government to provide various financial incentives to the national and community hospitals so as to provide an outreach, prevention, and management of the morbidities, mortalities, and the risk factors causing health problems. The U.S. Healthcare Systems, therefore, have been subjected to substantial reorientations since solving the health problem of low-quality care causing medical mistakes requires the establishment of a more preventive care approach than a curative-based care. In consideration of the above fact, the U.S federal government led by the Obama administration has been active in providing healthcare financial incentives and is supporting the bill of amendment on the PHSA tailored towards promoting the prevention of health problems and improving patient-nurse ratio care such as the Lets Move financial initiative incentives whose provisions are spearheaded by the first lady, Michelle Obama (Villegas et.al, 2012). Economic Impact/Considerations The bill of amendment on the PHSA aims to expand the health coverage and make the insurance more affordable through the health insurance exchanges to more Americans. Also, the bill of amendment on the PHSA proposes numerous health care system reforms that are tailored towards improving the healthcare quality. Therefore, the bill of amendment on the PHSA will help to solve the problem of healthcare affordability in U.S. where health care services have always been private for-profit businesses with many practices being deemed unfair. The reason being, the way the U.S. health care system has always worked is that those Americans who can afford the health insurance coverage to access patient-centered care and improved patient-nurse ratio care have always been the ones who get the access to quality care. The bill of amendment on the PHSA will, thus, help solve the problem in the health care system caused by the disparity of access to quality care attributed to the problem of economic disparity among citizens and low patient-nurse ratio. These economic considerations are based on the provisions of the bill of amendment on the PHSA requiring that the U.S. hospitals must provide quality care based on improved patient-nurse ratio care and the insurance companies must not deny Americans insurance coverage based on pre-existing conditions. Also, there must be a justification for the increase of insurance coverage cost, there no lifetime limits on the patients needs of quality care, and all citizens will purchase or be provided with health care insurance to access to quality care based on their employment and income (Library of Congress, 2014). Political Impact/Considerations It is a big political achievement for the Democrats following the establishment of the bill of amendment on the PHSA under the Democrat-led administration by President Barrack Obama. The access to quality health care has been a health policy issue that several political administrations in the U.S. history have been struggling to establish but with no success. All the previous political efforts by other government administrations like Hillary Clintons administration have tried to establish the policies that improve the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) to provide quality care and reform the U.S. health care system but have terribly failed with their efforts being unfruitful. Therefore, by the virtue of the Obama-led administration under the political leadership of the Democrats as the ruling party having caused a bill geared towards providing a health policy reform in the U.S. health care system by the proposal of the bill of amendment on the PHSA and the already established PPACA (Obamacare), it is considered a significant political gain in the U.S. political history though the bill is not passed already or signed to law. The show of the interest to cause significant reforms and positive transformation of improving quality care is the most important political impact or considerations (United States, 2015). Ethical Impact/Considerations From an ethical perspective in the age of national health reform, the bill of amendment on the PHSA is focused on the institution of health support programs such as health insurance exchanges that improve the quality of life by making care accessible, affordable, and of quality. The institution and establishment of the health insurance exchange programs is one the best and most effective measures that facilitate and fast-track the achievements of solving the health problem of low-quality care and high cost of care due to low patient-nurse ratio in America (Laabs, 2012). III. Proponent and Opponent Arguments There are those American individuals and interest groups who argue in favor of the bill of amendment on the PHSA and others who are against the bill of amendment on the PHSA health policy. The interest groups and individuals who are in favor of the bill of amendment on the PHSA are the women, seniors, the poor and middle-income Americans. On the contrary, those interest groups and individuals who are against the bill of amendment on the PHSA health policy are the Insurance industries. The position of those who argue in favor of and support the bill of amendment on the PHSA health policy like the poor, the middle-income Americans, and women is that. First the women and seniors support the bill of amendment on the PHSA since they will access quality care services through the insurance coverage of the Medicare, a chance and service that they were denied in the previous heath care systems. Additionally, the poor and middle-class Americans support the bill of amendment on the PHSA since they will access the care services at reduced costs and their medication and treatment costs will be catered for the Medicaid insurance scheme (Ray, 2014). Conversely, the interest groups and individuals like the insurance industries that are against the bill of amendment on the PHSA are of the position that. First, the insurance industries are required to cater for the care costs of the American citizens with no pre-existing condition. The absence of the pre-existing condition is of the provision that those who lack the insurance cover can call upon the insurance companies to cover for their care costs in hour of needs and when at the brink of being hit by epidemic like serious illnesses at anytime so as to be assisted access quality care. The insurance companies have a legal obligation not to refuse insuring such individuals as long as they want to be provided with quality care. Consequently, such provisions of the bill of amendment on the PHSA will mean that the insurance schemes will be incurring costs at the negligent of the Americans refusing to take insurance cover making such companies incur losses; and, this has been the point of argument against the bill of amendment on the PHSA provisions (Kongstvedt, 2013). IV. Nursings OR Human Services Perspective: Presentation of a ?nursing OR ?human services perspective on the issue and the related bill of amendment on the PHSA The bill of amendment on the PHSA provides a nursing service that is focused on the delivery of quality and affordable care to all the Americans. The bill of amendment on the PHSA focuses on the number of individuals and or the proportion of the entire population that is getting a cover through the medical program to access quality care. The bill of amendment on the PHSA will, therefore, help in improving the health of many of the Americans especially those who lack the health insurance cover like the poor (Farrell et.al, 2015). Through the bill of amendment on the PHSA, both the poor and middle-class Americans will be covered for against the diseases and illnesses that may deny them their humanity. Thus, from the human service perspective, the dignity and life protection of all human beings (the Americans) shall be respected and provided enabling many of the Americans access care and quality health services (Holaday & Buckley, 2013). My personal views about the issue of Obamacare From a personal view, the establishment of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) through the bill of amendment on the PHSA will be an effective measure of solving the adverse economic impact of health problems in America. The proposals of the bill of amendment on the PHSA are tailored towards expanding the Medicaid for the health problems coverage and provision of quality care even to those American without health insurance at the present. V. The Bill of PHSA Policy Recommendations As previously explained in the introduction section that the bill of amendment on the PHSA is a health policy bill concerned with the provision of affordable, accessible, and quality health care to many of the Americans as well as reducing the ever increasing care cost in United States, however, the bill of amendment on the PHSA has been determined to have certain weaknesses that need some revisions. One of the most important revision needed to be made to the PHSA bill before being passed into law is that. The bill of amendment on the PHSA needs to adapt a key health care service provision factor that ensures the effective and efficient delivery of healthcare services. The bill of amendment on the PHSA can achieve this policy by comparing and learning from other nations with better health care services to their citizens like Singapore and Switzerland. Singapore and Switzerland, for instance, are boosting their achievement in better and quality care delivery services to their citizens. U.S is spending more on healthcare management and delivery than these two nations yet it has not achieved her goal of delivering the best and quality healthcare to the Americans. The policy makers charged with the responsibility of formulating the proposals of the PHSA bill need to evaluate the heath care systems of the two named nations to determine their strengths and incorporate such provisions to the PHSA bill amendment. The evaluation will help in ensuring that upon the passing of the PHSA bill into law, the same successes being witnessed in Singapore and Switzerland health care systems and improved care quality shall be case in the U.S. health care system so as to deliver quality care through improved patient-nurse ratio care (United States & West Publishing Company, 2012). References Alleman, K., & Houle, K. (2013). 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